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  Blake's POV

"But I love you! I always have!" I yelled. Jayy just stood there motionless with his hand intertwined with Danny's.

"I hate you! I never loved you!" He yelled. My knees gave out and I crumpled to the floor. His words jabbed my heart over and over again. They slowly started fading away.

"I hate you!" His words echoed through the empty black room. I was alone on the floor. Tears ran down my face as I cried into my knees.

I looked up and saw I was in a hall. I stood up and looked around. There was five doors. I walked up to one and slowly opened it. I peeked in and saw the walls were crimson red. There was a heart shaped bed and rose petals everywhere. I saw two tuxes scattered on the floor. I looked at the bed to see Jayy and Danny laying on it. Their naked bodies were tangled together and were covered by blankets. They were holding each other and kissing. I saw something shiny on their left ring fingers. Wedding rings. I quickly shut the door and sobbed. I cried out as I heard moans from the other side of the door. I looked at the door to see Jayy's Future written on it. Jayy's Future? I looked at the other four doors. Each had something written on it. I sniffed and walked up to one that had Blake's Past sprawled on it. I opened the door to be greeted by loud pounding music. A bunch of 12 year old kids were everywhere. Some drinking. Some smoking. At this age? I walked through them. It's as if I'm invisible. I walked over to a couch that had a circle full of kids. I remember this day.

"Truth or Dare." Anna Showingfield asked me when I was 12.

"Dare." I said with a smirk.

"I dare you to kiss Greg!" she squealed. My face twisted in disgust.

"Kiss a boy?!" I yelled. She smiled and nodded. I groaned and turned towards Greg. He looked calm and unfazed.

"I don't back down from a dare." I mumbled and brought his face to mine. Our lips connecting and moved with each other. I stuck my tongue into his mouth. I walked away from the scene and through the crowd again. I squeezed through them and walked out of the room. I closed the door behind me. That was the day I figured out I was gay. I looked at another door. Jayy's Past. I opened the door and faced a modern house. I closed the door behind me and walked into the house. I walked though the living room and into a play room. Toys were scattered everywhere. Two little boys were next to a window with curtains. One looked about 12 and the other looked about 10. Jayy and Sean.

"C'mon it's just one." Jayy said. Sean looked worried.

"Something could happen." Sean said.

"But this can help us get ready and learn how to make campfires when we go camping with mommy and daddy." Jayy said. Sean smiled widely.

"Do it!" he yelled excitedly. Jayy smiled and pulled out a box of matches. He pulled one out and slid it across the pad.

"Oww!" he cried out and dropped the lit match. It fell onto the curtain and lit it on fire. Sean and Jayy quickly stood up and looked at the curtain horrified. Jayy quickly picked Sean up and ran out of the play room. He was about to run out the door until he stooped. The playroom lit on fire and was going to spread into the living room. Jayy put Sean down and looked him in the eyes.

"Run! Go outside! I'll be out there soon! I'm going to warn mommy and daddy!" he yelled. Sean nodded and dashed out of the living room. Jayy ran up the stairs and looked around frantically. The smoke increased and everything was burning hot. I was right behind Jayy as he ran into a room. It was filled with smoke. His parents were laying on the bed asleep. They were passed out form all of the smoke. He ran to his mother's side.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! Wake up!" He yelled with tears in his eyes. She wouldn't budge. He quickly ran to his father's side and shook him.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! There's a fire!" he yelled as he shook him. I stood there motionless and speechless with tears of my own running down my face. Sirens were heard outside and the door downstairs smashed open. Jayy ran down the stairs. Everything was on fire. He ran to the firefighters.

"Help! Help!" he yelled. They picked him up and walked towards the door.

"Nooo!" he cried as he reached for the stairs. The stairs collapsed from the fire. Jayy cried out again.
They took him out of the house as the rest of the firefighters cleared out.

"Is that all of them?" one of them asked.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Jayy cried. Then the house bursted out in flames.

"Noooo!' he yelled as more tears ran down his face.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Sean whispered. I sobbed as I watched the scene. I ran out of there and slammed the door behind me.

I slid down the door and sobbed. Is that really what he went through? After a few minutes I regained myself and stood up. I walked up to another door that read Blake's Future. I opened it and walked in. I was in a hall. I heard music playing. Depressing music. I walked to the main doors and walked in. The room was full of people wearing black sobbing into their tissues. I saw Danny and Jayy in the front row crying their eyes out. What's wrong? I looked ahead and saw it. A coffin. With me inside? I look just as I do now. I was wearing a plain black shirt and black skinny jeans. I have those clothes in my closet. Am I going to die young? I looked around horrified. I quickly ran out of the room and out the door. I slammed it behind me. I'm going to die young? How?
I looked at the last door. Blake's Alternative Future. I gulped and opened the door. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I was inside a nice simple home. Just the way I like it. I walked into the living room and saw myself. I was older. I looked about 25. A little boy ran around me giggling and smiling. I smiled and kissed the top of his little head. Jayy walked out of a room and kissed me on the lips. I noticed two similar wedding rings on our fingers. We still have a chance? I might be married to Jayy?
Everything started fading. All my favorite and worst memories flashed before my eyes. They surrounded me. Then it all went blank. I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room.

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