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Jayy's POV

It's been two weeks since I've been here and I haven't talked once. I've been depressed thinking about the boys and how they're doing. I miss them so damn much. Caleb, Trent and Matt have been trying to cheer me up the best they can. They're actually pretty cool. I found out Matt has a girlfriend named Jackie and Trent just broke up with his a few weeks before I came. Caleb is single but straight. All of them are straight and I'm to scared to let them know I'm gay considering I don't know if their homophobes. I'm closer to Caleb since he's my roommate and I see him more. He only asks me yes or no questions since he knows I don't talk and if he needs a real answer he gave me a whiteboard and marker so I could write on. Right now I''m at the dinner table between Matt and Caleb playing with my pizza. There are other kids here too but I don't knwo them. I don't eat that much since I'm still depressed but Trent keeps trying to shove it in my mouth. Trent is only 15 so I understand if he acts young. I don't like looking at Trent for too long because he reminds me of Sean somewhat. I miss Sean so much. I don't have any contact with him since I couldn't pay the bil for our phonesl anymore so our service is cut off and my phone died and I didn't have the charger. I just threw it away since it wasn't all that good and it was out of battery too. Caleb is 17 and Matt is 16 almost 17. Trent is the hyper one, Matt is the chill one and Caleb is in between.

"C'mon. Eat it. Please...... For the unicorns?" Trent begged. I shook my head and pushed the pizza away. Trent pouted and walked back to his seat across from me. I got up from the dinner table and walked to my room.

I live in Florida now. I lived in California and now I'm all the way in Florida. I sighed and walked down the hall to my room. I don't know where Sean is right now. For all I know he could be in Mexico and I wouldn't know. I wish I knew. It would make it a hell of a lot easier to find him when I'm out. I opened my room door and walked in. I shut the door behind me and shuffled over to my bed. I sat down on it and grabbed my ipod from my nightstand. Luckily Caleb has an ipod too so he has a charger which he lets me use. I put my ear buds in my ears and pressed play. Believe by Blood On The Dance Floor started playing as I laid down. I saw a light shine in and then it was gone. Someone walked into the room over to me and sat on the bed. I looked at the person and saw it was Caleb. I paused the ipod and sat up and stared at him.

"I hate seeing you like this. Not once have I seen a happy Jayy even after the two weeks you spent here. I know why your sad and all depressed. Sean is okay. Why wouldn't he be? From what you wrote me he's an awesome kid who no one could hurt. Please at least be happy for the rest for the time your here. Can I see a happy Jayy for once?" Caleb asked. I told him about Sean and how we got separated but not about Blake and Spencer. He doesn't know I'm gay yet. I shook my head no and looked down. He sighed and lifted my face up by holding my cheeks.

"C'mon Jayy. Can you at least try to be happy?" he asked. I looked down for a minute and nodded slowly. I saw him smile through my bangs and pull me up.

"C'mon we're going out." he said. I stopped him.

"What?" he asked. I turned the lamp on and grabbed the white board. I need to tell him. I want to tell him. I think it's time.

I have to tell you something important. Please understand.

I wrote. He nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath in and started writing.

I'm gay.

I wrote. I looked up at him to see him with an expressionless face. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously.

"Okay? I don't really know how to react since I don't know anyone who's gay and I don't really care if you are. I don't care Jayy. You're still my friend don't be nervous." he said. For the first time I smiled here. He accepted me? I knew there was a reason why I liked Caleb. He doesn't judge anyone.

"You don't like any of us do you? Like it won't be awkward or anything when we're in our boxers in front of you or anything right?" he asked awkwardly. For the first time I laughed. I laugh loudly and held my side as I laughed. Caleb smiled since this is the first time he heard me laugh.

"Hey! We're likable aren't we?" he asked and posed. I chuckled and wrote on my board.

Don't worry I have a boyfriend

"Oooooo What's his name!?" Caleb yelled all girly like.


"Oooo Where is he? Can we meet him? How old is he? What does he look like?" Caleb kept asking questions as I wrote on my board.

He lives in California where I used to live. We were separated when I had to come here. That's why I'm so depressed. I miss him, Sean and Spencer. Spencer is my brothers boyfriend and a very good friend of mine. I miss them all.

I showed him the white board as a tear rolled down my face. He looked at me sadly.

"It's okay Jayy. You'll see them again. I promise. You will be with them soon" he said. I don't know what he meant by that promise but I'm glad someone cares.



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