Behind Every Successful Woman is a Substantial Amount of Coffee (Four)

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Minutes later, Sonny entered the brand new coffeehouse. Her steps faltered as she took in the sight around her. She had to be honest. This place was absolutely incredible and not to mention huge! It was a two-story establishment with tables and booths located on both floors. It seemed that half of the tables and booths had a black laptop computer on them. How could they afford laptops for fifty percent of the tables, Sonny wondered in astonishment.

To her left was a rather large stage located against a wall. On it were two microphones and some equipment that Sonny could not make out due to the distance. In front of her was a long bar with at least a dozen black barstools surrounding it. Sonny shook her head as she couldn't prevent the sinking feeling that competing with this coffeehouse was going to be quite difficult. Taking a deep calming breath, Sonny tried to tell herself that everything would work out all right. All she had to do was keep thinking positive. Sonny looked toward the winding stairs leading to the second level and sighed. That was easier thought than accomplished.

Taking a few more steps into the coffeehouse, she looked up as she heard the voice of a female. Coming down the stairs was the woman who visited Bean There, Done That not too long ago. She was talking on a cell phone as she made her way down. Hooking her thumbs into the side pockets of her pants, Sonny waited to be noticed.

As the woman reached the end of the staircase, she and Sonny made eye contact. If she was surprised to observe the petite competition standing there, she didn't show it. Quickly ending the call, the blonde slipped her phone into her purse before walking toward Sonny, asking if she could help her in some way.

Nodding, Sonny replied, "You can tell me why you were just spying."

The other woman cocked her head to the side. "Spying?" she asked as if she had no clue what Sonny was referring to.

"Yes, spying. In my coffeehouse. Trying to see how we measure up to yours?"

The woman quickly looked around the establishment. "First of all, I wasn't spying. I wanted a drink and something to eat, so I spotted your charming little place." Sonny narrowed her eyes at that, but the other woman merely kept talking, "Second, this doesn't belong to me, though I did play an important role in making Brew 'n' Paradise what it is today."

"That you did," Jack said as she walked around the corner, coming toward the pair with a fair amount of tension between them. She took in the shorter woman standing in front of Leslie, thinking that she sounded familiar. "I'm the owner. Do you have a problem with Ms. Antigone here?"

Turning around, Sonny's mouth opened wide as she saw the person standing ten feet away from her. "Ja -- Ms. Foster," she said in a soft tone of voice. Jack Foster, the woman that she literally ran into a few days before, owned the new coffeehouse across the street from her own? Talk about a small world.

Quickly recovering from her surprise, Jack replied, "You may call me Jack, Sonny." Sonny owned Bean There, Done That? Jack inwardly sighed. This was going to make what she was planning to do a tad more difficult.

"I'd rather not. I believe it's too informal."

Jack shrugged as if it made no difference to her. "Have it your way then." Turning blue eyes on Leslie, she asked, "Les, will you give us a moment?"

Nodding, Leslie glanced at her watch. "No problem. I need to get going anyway." Walking over to Jack, she placed a brief kiss on the woman's cheek. "If I don't see you before the grand opening the day after tomorrow, good luck okay?" Leslie smiled.

Jack returned the smile. "Thanks, Leslie. I really appreciate all of your help."

The other woman winked at her. "Anytime." Looking back at Sonny, she said, "Nice meeting you, Sonny. That was truly the best cheese danish I've had in a while." Leslie waited a moment for her to give a reply, but she offered nothing. Smiling at her anyway, Leslie headed toward the entrance, the clicking of her heels on the shiny checkered floor the only sound in the coffeehouse before she exited.

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