You Are the Cream In My Coffee (Twenty-Four)

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After leaving her car with the valet, Jack walked into the restaurant carrying a bouquet of flowers. When she informed the maitre 'd of whom she was supposed to be meeting, the tuxedo dressed man plucked a menu from a stack before indicating for her to follow him. While doing so, Jack attempted to calm the racing of her heart but failed to do so. She was much too excited and nervous. You would think that I'd get used to spending time with her, but every time feels like the first. Spotting the golden-haired brunette seated at a small table near a window, which showed a spectacular view of the ocean, Jack began to smile.

Returning that smile as they neared, Sonny arose from the table and hugged her in greeting. Thanking Jack for the flowers, the two women sat, their seats facing one another. After the maitre 'd gave Jack her menu and walked away, she stretched her arm across the table, covering Sonny's hand with her own. Looking into those incredible green eyes, Jack smiled broadly while absolutely thrilled to be in Sonny's presence again. True, just two days ago they had spent the evening together, catching a movie at a theater and then playing miniature golf, which Jack found that she was quite unskilled at, but she had missed this woman terribly.

Jack shook her head at the irony. She used to be known as the Conqueror and now she had been the one conquered. She just wished that soon Sonny would be open to the idea of giving them a chance. It had nearly been a week since they mended broken fences at Chloe's dinner party, and Jack felt that she hadn't come any closer to making Sonny her own. However, Blue seemed to be getting closer based on the emails she had received last week. Jack shook her head again. How was it that she could beat other people in business, yet she couldn't defeat herself? Wonder how upset Sonny would be if 'Blue' suddenly dropped off the face of the planet?

Cocking her head to the side, Sonny gave her a curious look. "What are you thinking?" She observed as the sudden faraway look in Jack's eyes disappeared with a blink.


Chuckling lightly, Sonny repeated her question. "Physically you're here, yet you seem to be far away. Is something wrong? Is Chloe alright?"

Jack softly smiled while rubbing the hand beneath her own. Sonny's great concern for others only proved to make Jack love her all the more. "I think she's becoming a little anxious to be free of that wheelchair, but, other than that, she's doing well. And everything else is fine," she paused as she gazed into attentive eyes. "I was just marveling over how beautiful you look tonight. Though to be honest, you look beautiful every time that I see you." Jack mentally rolled her eyes though she spoke the truth. Sonny looked positively breathtaking in the mid-thigh length red tank dress she wore. Just call me Jack the Sap.

Her cheeks turning a color that perfectly matched her dress, Sonny softly thanked the other woman for her compliment. Before either of them could say anything more, their waiter arrived at the table carrying a chilled bottle of champagne. After he opened the bottle and poured champagne into the two flutes already placed on the table, the waiter informed Sonny and Jack to signal him when they were ready to order.

Jack smiled at her dinner companion. "Did you set this up, Sonny? The champagne I mean."

She nodded. "Yeah. I told the waiter that I was expecting someone, and when he noticed a gorgeous blue-eyed woman seated across from me that he was to bring this champagne."

A grin spread across Jack's lips. "Gorgeous?"

Sonny rolled her eyes while thinking that she should have edited out the gorgeous part. She tried to shrug nonchalantly. "Yeah, well, it's a fact that you are gorgeous." Picking up her champagne, Sonny decided to change the subject. At least she hoped Jack would allow that to happen. "Anyway, I invited you to dinner because I have some terrific news, and I was in the mood to celebrate."

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