Life Begins With Coffee (Thirty-Six)

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Jack and Melanie had a bit of a dilemma. Okay, actually it was much bigger than a bit. For one, they hadn't a clue as to where they were, and there wasn't anyone they could ask, because they had seen neither hide nor hair of another living, breathing soul for miles. Up until a couple of miles ago, Jack showed her stubborn streak by refusing to admit that they were completely lost and kept driving, evidently thinking that they would magically happen upon Epicure Market. They now figured that they never even made it to Rockledge. The second reason they had a dilemma was because the Ford Explorer decided to stop running. She just gave up and died. Neither held a clue why, and Jack had the hood up, tinkering around the engine, acting as though she knew what she was doing.

Using a hand to fan her face, Melanie realized that another dilemma had just come to fruition. This dilemma was much bigger than the first two combined. As she felt warm water sliding down her bare legs, Melanie poked her blonde head out of the passenger side window, calling out to the pretend mechanic. Appearing from under the hood, Jack looked toward Melanie questioningly, small black smudges on her cheeks and a few on the front of her sleeveless black and white plaid shirt. However, most of those were camouflaged by the dark color.

"I have sort of good news, and sort of not good news. At least not with the situation we're in."

A dark eyebrow slowly rose as Jack walked up to the passenger door, leaning her folded arms on it. "What's the sort of not good news first?"

Melanie shook her head. "I'll tell you the sort of good news first. That is, I know what the problem is. Why the car will no longer start," she paused, wincing just a bit as a sharp pain struck her abdomen. "It's easy to fix. Well, it would be if conveniently there was a Chevron around here. We're out of gas." How many times had she informed Brian to make sure he kept gas in the tank when he drove the SUV? It was always up to Melanie to remember such an important yet simple detail. She loved him so much, yet now she might have to kill him. Too bad he would never get to see his son or daughter.

That same dark eyebrow rose again, appearing dangerous this time. "And how long have you known this?" Jack inquired in a voice so low that it was almost impossible for Melanie to decipher her words.

She grit her teeth as she felt another sharp stab of pain. "About two or three minutes. I was going to tell you right when I found out, but during that time you were cussing like a sailor, so, I decided to keep my mouth shut until you had calmed down a bit."

Jack almost imperceptibly nodded. "And what's the other bit of news you have for me?"

"My water just broke."

It seemed as though an hour passed before Jack finally was able to locate her voice. "Plea...please tell me you have a bottle of Arrowhead in there somewhere."

Despite her discomfort, Melanie managed to find that humorous and chuckled. "Sorry, no bottled water. This is the real thing." She gave Jack, who was starting to look like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding vehicle, a meaningful look. "It's time."

"Oh, God, no. This simply cannot be happening," Jack muttered, starting to pace just outside of the passenger side door, a dreadful look on her semi dirty and sweaty face. As she took quick short steps, blue eyes were riveted to the ground while she repeated the words 'not now' over and over as though she expected by saying them several times Melanie's labor pains would miraculously cease. However, Jack found that her mantra wasn't doing a bit of good when her passenger gripped the window ledge tightly, releasing a short scream.

In sympathy and in fear, Jack winced, observing the pain written on Melanie's equally sweaty face. Bringing her pacing to an end, and telling herself that she had to get a grip because Melanie needed her to take charge and be strong, Jack gently placed a hand on the other woman's forearm, giving it a small squeeze. She even managed to dredge up a reassuring smile, which the pregnant blonde returned.

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