I Orchestrate My Mornings to the Tune of Coffee (Ten)

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Today was turning out to be a good day so far since she managed to find a parking space relatively close to the amusement park. Shutting off the ignition, Sonny placed both of her hands on the wheel as she took in a deep breath and then slowly let it out. Today was the day. Today she would for the first time meet Blueyez and she was both thrilled and nervous about that happening. What if they did not click in person like they had online? She had heard of that occurring before.

Sonny shook her head. No, she would not think like that. She had to be positive. Everything would be fine between them. She just had to have some faith. Nodding, feeling a little bit calmer, Sonny looked in her rearview mirror to check her hair. Though it appeared to be neat, she reached up anyway, lightly patting it on the top and sides. Glancing down at her outfit, Sonny wondered for the fiftieth time if she looked all right in it. This morning she had changed clothes at least a dozen times before deciding on this one.

She had finally chosen to wear a pair of khaki shorts that ended just above her knees along with a navy blue sleeveless cotton shirt. On her feet were blue tennis shoes that she decided at the last minute would be more comfortable then the sandals she had started to slip into. Looking down at her neatly tucked in shirt, Sonny shook her head as she pulled it out. The other way looked much too formal. Now pleased, Sonny reached over in the passenger seat for the full pink rose resting there. As she examined herself in the rearview mirror, she carefully tucked the flower behind her right ear, nodding in satisfaction.

Glancing at her watch, Sonny noted the time. She had roughly twenty minutes before the park opened. Deciding that Blue was most likely already there, Sonny opened the car door and stepped out, making sure to close and lock it behind her. Running her hands over her shirt and shorts, though both were completely free of wrinkles, she began to walk toward the park as she took in deep breaths in the hopes of relaxing. She suddenly felt like a rubber-band that could snap at any moment. Everything would be okay. Sonny just had to keep reminding herself of that. She and Blue were going to have a lovely day together.


Waiting until the last song on her CD player finished playing, Jack turned off the ignition and placed her keys in one of the pockets located on her blue jean shorts. Reapplying cherry flavored lip balm, she glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure that her french braid was still neat. After noticing that it was, she checked the time, noting that she had almost fifteen minutes left until the park opened.

Opening the car door, she stepped out, putting on a pair of dark shades in the process. Stretching out her limbs, Jack took a deep breath of air. It was hard to believe that she was about to meet the love of her life. PerkyGrrl was probably waiting for her right now, wearing a pink rose in her hair. Jack looked down at her perfectly pressed Mickey Mouse T-shirt as she briefly wondered which of them would notice the other first. Deciding to find out, she headed toward the park, taking long quick steps.

Minutes later, Jack reached the front entrance and started to look around at various women for the one wearing a flower. Excusing herself as she moved between throngs of people, Jack removed her shades so that she could see better and hooked them onto the collar of her shirt. Blue eyes perusing around, Jack thought, PG, come out, come out wherever you are. She smiled in delight. Your Blue has arrived to sweep you off of your feet. At least, Jack hoped that she would be able to accomplish that.

Jack sighed as the crowd steadily increased, making it that more difficult for her to locate PerkyGrrl. This was turning out to be harder than she had originally thought it would be. While wishing that they had decided to meet somewhere else, such as the parking lot, Jack continued to study each woman that her eyes landed on, searching for that telltale flower. Moments later, blue eyes caught sight of a big pink flower behind a woman's ear. Oh, it's only Sonny. She started to turn elsewhere before quickly looking back and blinking. Sonny? What was she doing at Disneyworld today of all days with a pink rose in her hair?

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