I Don't Understand Decaf -- It's Like Sex Without Sex (Forty-One)

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Nearly jumping out of her skin due to the unexpected whispered inquiry and tiny puffs of warm breath delivered into her ear, Sonny quickly swiveled around on her stool, coming face to face with the woman who had plagued a vast majority of her thoughts during the past week. She was about to utter a reply when she lost the ability to speak as her eyes trailed up and down Jack's body. Though vaguely aware that she was staring, she simply could not resist. Sonny shook her head a tiny bit. Does she ever not look good?

The gorgeous creature resembled a sensual and ultra sexy gangster. As she gazed toward the black leather pants gently hugging Jack's powerful thighs and legs, Sonny wondered if it was a requirement for the millionaire to wear leather on a regular basis. And how on Earth could she comfortably wear it in Florida? Sure, it was officially wintertime now, but still...

Above the leather pants, Jack wore a strikingly white long-sleeved button-down Oxford shirt, which she'd chosen to leave untucked. A neatly arranged golden silk tie complete with thin black stripes woven into it, complimented the shirt. On the top of Jack's dark head was a black fedora, which she'd arranged so that her left eye was almost totally shaded. The phrase that came to Sonny's mind was "sexy as hell". On her feet was a pair of steel-capped black construction boots that fit in with the outfit perfectly.

"See something to your liking?" Jack rewarded the gaping woman with a devilish smile. She had been hoping for an effect just like that one, and was quite pleased to say the least. Never in her entire lifetime could Jack recall ever taking so long to select an outfit. If it hadn't been for Chloe's assistance, she might still be in her closet trying to decide.

Needing something to cool her parched throat, Sonny took a couple long sips from her drink, enduring a bit of a brain freeze in the process. Closing her eyes until the uncomfortable chill finished racing through her head, she deeply inhaled before returning her attention to the mischievous ex-Conqueror.

"Aren't you here with someone, Jack?" she inquired, having finally located the whereabouts of her voice, even if it did sound slightly weak. "Don't you have enough decorum not to flirt with me when you're on a date?" Sonny inwardly winced. If she had enough flexibility, she would have given herself a swift kick on the butt for sounding so blatantly jealous. But I am, right? It's the reason I haven't spoken to her in a week, and for lack of a more pleasant word, been so bitchy.

Since Jack's surprising revelation on the phone last Friday that she had invited someone to Peter's grand opening bash, Sonny's mood proceeded to spiral downward much like the day before yesterday's leftovers into a garbage disposal. Though she was aware of her immature behavior, Sonny could not bring herself to put on a happy face when what she really wanted to do was break down into tears. Numerous times during the week, she had attempted to convince herself that her sudden depression was solely due to Dixie's recent behavior, but that was only a minuscule part of it. The truth of the matter was that Sonny did not relish the idea of having another woman being the receiver of Jack's affection. Yes, it was selfish and unfair on her part, but she could not deny it any longer.

Sonny slowly shook her head. I insist that she needs to move on and when she finally does, I put her on ignore for an entire week. Sending mixed signals much, Sonny? Before she could continue on with her thoughts, Sonny was brought out of them by a deep chuckle. Looking up, she noticed that Jack was nearly doubled over in laughter and wondered what she could possibly find to be funny. Waiting until the abrupt laughter metamorphosed into tiny snickers, Sonny asked.

Wiping at watery and mirth filled eyes, Jack snickered once more. "You actually." Grinning at Sonny, she moved sideways until she could lean against the bar. "You tickle me, Sonny girl."

A curious expression spilled onto Sonny's face. "Tickle you? What did I say?"

"If I didn't know any better...which on second thought perhaps I don't, I'd say you were a touch jealous that I'd brought someone with me." That impish grin remained on her face as Jack patiently waited for a retort.

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