I'd Stop Drinking Coffee, But I'm No Quitter (Eleven)

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This was turning out to be quite a fantastic day. Sonny did not think that she could be more surprised. During the entire day, Jack had been nothing short of charming and sweet as they explored the Magic Kingdom. They had done and ridden so much, that she could not remember everything. In fact, there was so much to do and see in the Magic Kingdom that they had yet to venture into any of the other parks.

The first ride they went on after entering the park was Pirates of the Caribbean located in Adventureland. Sonny had enjoyed some good old-fashioned teasing at Jack's expense after the ride was over. Jack spent most of the time screaming like a banshee as the cart they shared with a few other people went up and down. Her screaming reached a new pitch as the cart made a sudden long drop that caused her stomach to perform several flip-flops. The first one to get out when the ride was over, Jack offered Sonny the dirtiest look she could muster while the other woman doubled over in hearty laughter. Starting to smirk, Jack informed her not to hold anything back, which only caused Sonny to start laughing that much harder.

Sonny was quite shocked that Jack did not have laryngitis and that she herself was not deaf after riding Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. Surely, Jack must have been the loudest person on both of those rides as she screamed her head off. During Space Mountain, Sonny slipped her hand into Jack's, which was something that she soon regretted doing as the woman held onto her hand so tight, that she had a feeling that her arm was not the only part of her body that was about to be broken.

Afterwards, Jack apologized for her death grip before she raised Sonny's hand to lips and tenderly kissed the back of it. Grinning at the blush that quickly appeared on the shorter woman's cheeks, Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they headed toward the much tamer Jungle Cruise ride, where Jack snapped a few pictures with the instant camera she purchased back on Main Street. She took even more pictures as she endured It's a Small World, the ride that Sonny insisted that they just had to go on because it was a classic. It took Jack nearly an hour after the ride was over to get that song out of her head. Sonny grinned every time that she heard the woman humming it.

Now, the two women were in the midst of a cruise on the Liberty Bell Riverboat. There were three levels to the riverboat and they had managed to obtain a place on the uppermost tier. Standing next to the railing, the women looked out over the water, both feeling happy at how well things were going between them. Blue eyes traveling to Sonny, Jack took in the woman as she smiled. Yes, it had turned out to be a very good thing that PerkyGrrl was this cute petite golden-haired brunette. She was everything that Jack could want in a woman and so much more than that. She now admitted that she had a crush... a rather large crush on Sonny. Though, she was not about to tell her that, because Jack figured that Sonny would not react to them in the way that she would prefer her to. One, because despite how well this day had gone, that did not automatically erase everything that Jack had caused and done. Two, Sonny was currently already involved with someone, though Jack had a feeling that it was not going well, since she sent an intimate poem to Blueyez just last week. Three, even if there was not a Laura Chapman in the picture, there was still Blue.

Jack could have laughed at that. She was standing in her own way. The woman shook her head slightly, glancing toward the setting sun, deep in thought. What was she going to do about Blue? Somehow, she had to either get rid of her or cause Sonny to end whatever it was that the two of them shared. Jack looked back to Sonny as she softly smiled, though the other woman did not notice it because she was looking elsewhere. Truthfully, Jack knew with absolute certainty that she did not deserve this sweet and gentle person, but she wanted her. In fact, she wanted to take Sonny in her arms right now and kiss her until she was breathless. Somehow, Jack had to acquire Sonny's affections. She would not allow Blueyez or anyone else to stand in her way. What the two of them could share would be so very special. Oh, Sonny you have definitely gotten under my skin, Jack thought, not in the least bit upset by that fact.

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