The Alpha

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Rose's POV

Mondays suck. Seriously.

After our date yesterday Joel dropped me off at my house with a kiss goodnight and I showered and went to bed. This morning my whole body is sore from hiking and swimming and I just want to go back to sleep. I get ready for school with a black crop top and a pair of grey skinny jeans and a pair of black boots that reach mid calf. I holler to my parents that I'm leaving and decide to walk since it's beautiful outside. I put in my earbuds and pump up the jams. All of a sudden I feel arms around me and i'm being spun around. I squeal loudly and realize that it's Damien who's spinning me around before he greets me with a deep kiss.

"Good morning beautiful!" Damien says.

"Good morning Damien, why are you walking?" I asked.

"Well I parked my truck right down the road when I saw you walking and decided to sneak up on you and surprise you," he smiled at me. "Do you want a ride?"

"Sure." He drives me to school and we stroll inside holding hands. Brent immediately up to us and shoves Damien to the side so he can land a kiss on both my cheeks before crashing a hard kiss to my lips. I notice the stares from other school mates who must be wondering what I'm doing with both twins.

"Um guys cool it, I don't want to look like a ho."

"Rose it's ok, most of the students here know what we are. This is a predominately wolf school. It's rare that there's any human students or teachers."

"Brent! What are you doing kissing on that slut!" Someone squawked nearby.

"Layla I told you we aren't anything and don't you dare insult my MATE or I'll see to it that you're punished!" Brent said.

"The alpha would definitely believe me over you Brent if I told him that this bitch assaulted me." Layla continued on.

"Are you sure about that Layla? Are you sure that Alpha Joel would believe you over Rose or me?" Alpha Joel? Joel, MY Joel is the alpha?

"Brent are you talking about my Joel?" I asked.

"Your Joel, what the fuck are you talking about?" Layla pestered.

"I mean my Joel. My MATE."

Layla's eyes widened. "But I thought Brent was your mate?"

"I have 4 mates, Joel and Brent are two of them. Maybe if you're smart enough you'll figure out who the other 2 are." I told her and turned on my heel to head to class.

I tried to ignore stares that assaulted me in each of my classes and I couldn't wait to get to theatre so I could see Colten. By the time the bell rang in history I bolted out of my desk with Damien quick to follow. "Hey where's the fire? Are you ok Rose?" He asked.

"Yea things are ok, I'm just ready to head to theatre. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act around Colten though. I know Brent mentioned that most of the students were wolves but what about the teachers? Are they the same or are they human?"

"Well it's a mixture, so you should probably treat Colten like a teacher when you're at the school. It can look bad if he's close with a student and a human teacher notices." Damien told me. I couldn't help but pout realizing that I'm quickly becoming attached to these men and I have to treat one of my mates like an acquaintance at school. At least Joel already graduated so I don't have to juggle his affections here as well. I still can't believe he's an alpha.

"Damien what is the alpha?"

"Well he's the leader of our pack. Our pack consists of all the wolves in the immediate area. Brent and I are both Beta's which is the second in command and then Colten isn't really a ranked wolf since he's a hybrid but since he's cousins with the alpha then others tolerate him and he's not excommunicated. Since you're mates with the alpha that would make you the luna."

"How can I be luna and human?"

"The luna mainly takes care of the children, pack members and most importantly supports the alpha. You don't need to be a wolf to do the work of a luna. Don't worry about that anyway, you have plenty of time before the mating ceremony and before he would introduce you as his mate. You also have the support of the betas so nobody should mess with you. Are you doing ok love? I know it can be difficult thrown into all this supernatural business when a few days ago you were just starting as a new student in a new town and had no idea about the supernatural world."

"I think I'll be ok," I told him, "it's a lot to get used to but at least I have all of ya'll to help me."

"Rosalie!" Sophie yelled for me.

"Sophie!" I couldn't help but yell back as she tackled me in a big bear hug.

"Ok Damien your services are no longer needed, you can go on now" Sophie bossed him.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead before walking off. I noticed Layla glowering at me down the hall. "What's her problem?" I asked Sophie.

"Well she's a bitch is one problem but she's a rank slut. She tries to sleep with high ranking members of the pack in hopes to be high ranked herself." Sophie explained. "But don't worry those men adore you, you don't have to be concerned with bitches like her." I wonder if she's slept with any of my men. Ugh I hated thinking about that. Surely none of them have and if they did I guess as long as it's in the past I can't begrudge them the behavior. I still felt white hot anger imagining her with any of them. This mate bond can be so pleasurable at times but the jealousy is still new to me. She better stay away from my men or we will have problems.

Sophie and I arrived in the theatre room and my mouth went dry when I saw Colten. Hot damn how am I supposed to act normal when all I want to do is climb him like a tree?

"Rose I think I saw a bug fly in your mouth with how wide open it is!"

"What, huh?"

"You're hopeless girl. Be discreet." She told me. Colten turned to look at me and I saw him smirk while I blushed. He probably heard Sophie telling me to close my mouth.

"Good morning Mr. Star." I told him.

"Good morning Rose." His husky voice warmed my insides and I couldn't help the pleasurable tingles that traveled down my spine.

"I'll see you after school at my house." He whispered to me.

"Good afternoon class! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I know mine was fantastic. Today we are going to practice ad-libs with partners. Everyone pair up." Colten addressed us. Class flew by and I was so distracted I barely remember our exercises. Colten threw me a wink as Sophie and I stood to leave. I stumbled over my feet on the way out the door.

"Oh my god girl keep it in your pants." Sophie laughed at me.

"Shut up, your brother is hot as fuck." I told her.


"Don't tease me or I'll talk about how dreamy he is next."

"Ok, ok I get your point bitch!" The both of us were giggling furiously by the time we reached the cafeteria.

"BRENT! DON'T YOU MISS ME? WHAT ABOUT LAST WEEKEND?!" An annoying voice I recognized as Layla screamed in the cafeteria. I watched the color drain from his face as he turned to see me standing there.

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