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Rose's POV

Prom season. Most girls can't wait whereas I'm dreading the event. Why should I go if I can't with half of my mates? I considered going with just the twins and inviting Joel, even though he's graduated, but it doesn't seem fair to the others. Max and Colten are both teachers so it would reflect badly on all of us if I tried sharing a dance with them.

"You've got to go Rose! Don't let the boys determine whether you allow yourself to have fun and experience everything high school has to offer." Sophie said exasperated.

"Wait I have an idea!" I squealed and jumped up off her bed. "Let's have an anti-prom party! We can rent a venue and invite certain people. You can invite Sebastian!" I sang at her.

She seemed to ponder this idea for a few minutes. I waited impatiently to see what she thinks but after a couple more minutes I grab her pink fluffy pillow and toss it at her face.

"Hey!" She hollered at me. "I was thinking, excuse me! But deciding to do something like that shouldn't be spur of the moment."

"Plus if we go to prom I have to watch other girls ask my guys to dance and I'm not cool with that. They're mine!" I shot back. She laughed at me.

"Of course they're yours. Hell you guys are soulmates. I think this could be a good idea. And instead of renting a venue I can ask Seb if we can hold the party at the castle. It will be way better than any of places to rent near us." Sophie replied.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed. "Why don't we invite some of the pack members? It would be a good opportunity for me to meet them." I jumped up and down giddily. Pregnancy hormones are so weird, sometimes I wants to dance and sing while other times I just feel extra stabby.

"We still need to go dress shopping." Sophie pointed out. The two of us continued making plans while sitting on her bed. I was comfy in my socks, shorts and one of Colten's tshirts. I've gotten in the habit of stealing shirts from all my men for me to sleep in.

Brent's POV

I'm chilling in bed, playing on my phone when I get a group text from the guys. One day Rose jokingly said we all need a mates group chat and the guys decided that it was a good idea. We have one with Rose and one without. Sometimes we have to plan things without her. This particular thread didn't include her.

Colten: anti-prom party 2022

Me: the fck is that

Colten: rose doesn't want to go to prom. She wants us to have our own party

Max: I'm down

Joel: sounds good. I hated that school anyway

Colten: I wasn't looking forward to chaperoning a bunch of kids all night so this works

Me: cool

I turn my phone over in my hands and think about the idea. How does she think of these things?

"Hey dumbass!" I shout throughout the house to try and get Damien's attention.

"What the fuck do ya want? I'm trying to take a nap!" He shouts back.

"Read your texts idiot!" I yell back.

After a minute he hollers back, "cool!"

Well seems like everyone is in agreement for this party. I hop off the bed and head downstairs and to the kitchen. I look out the window to the backyard and get an itch for running. I strip down where I'm standing and pad to the back door before turning into my wolf. I shake out my fur and leisurely stroll through the wooded area behind our house. As I walk for a bit I pass by different critters but none have gotten my attention yet.

*eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee eeeeee*

What the fuck is that screeching noise? I sniff in the air until I catch an unusual smell. I take off towards the scent until I come face to face with a strange looking bird. It tilts it's head like it's checking me out and shakes out it's feathers. I put one paw forward and it screeches again before taking off into the air and flying north. That was seriously odd. I continue on my way until I reach a small pond, I look down into the water to see my face reflected back. Damn I'm sexy. I lap up some water and turn to make the trek back home.

Joel's POV

I'm sitting in my office when I get a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled out.

The door creaks open and I see Max peeking in.

"You busy?"

"Nah bro, come in." He walks in and takes a seat on the couch across from me.

"How has Rose's lessons been with that one witch?" He questions. I leaned back in my chair and ran a hand down the side of my face. "Right now she has the lessons on hold, she doesn't want to add any stress to the babies." He nods his head in understanding.

"I think that we should talk to her about making something so Rose can identify demons. I just have a gut feeling that something is going to go wrong soon."

I heaved out a breath. That's not what I want to hear right now.

"Are you sure you aren't paranoid man? Hey look I'll talk to her. Maybe she can spell up an object for her. Until the other day I never even heard of a holy war, have you?" I asked.

"Yes, my parents were involved but I never cared about violence. According to my parents a fallen's job was to hunt down all demons and kill them but I don't think that's necessarily accurate. Maybe it was centuries ago but there's been a lot of peace lately between the demon realm and the heavens."

"Well just in case I'll have her make something. We can't be too careful with our mate and children." I replied.

Max stood up from his seat and came to give me a slap on the back. "Glad you're onboard. Now why don't we head over to Colten's house and see what she's talking about with an anti-prom party. It seems...interesting..." he laughed out. I chuckled, Rose comes up with some different ideas sometimes. I remember last week she created something called a blood cake. She failed to tell the rest of us that she mixed a blood bag in. Thinking about it makes me want to gag again. That shit was nasty, even if the taste of blood doesn't normally bother me.

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