Found Them

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Colten's POV

Today Joel and I are going to talk to Patricia about tracking the missing men.

"Hand me your bracelets." She said.

"Why?" Dumbass Joel asked.

"If they're still wearing their bracelets I can track them down." I nodded, that makes sense. I wish I thought of that.

She took our bracelets from us and placed them on the table in front of her. She grabbed a bottle of some liquid and poured it on them before reciting some sort of incantation. She then pulled out a crystal ball, I was surprised, whoa those things are for real, and then she looked into it.

"I see Max being bewitched by a witch in Las Vegas and I see Brent getting arrested for being naked in Hollywood. Does that sound possible to you guys?" She asked.

Joel and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Seriously guys? One is being hold hostage by a witch and the other is arrested for being naked. The hilariousness of the situation made it impossible to breathe for a few minutes.

After Joel and I calmed down we decided to set to work. "Can you see their exact location?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I can tell you where the bracelets currently are but that may not be where they are." She wrote down some coordinates for us and we pulled them up online. It looks like Max's bracelet is at an apartment complex and Brent's bracelet is at the edge of a national forest.

Joel decided to start calling local jails near the bracelet to see if he could find out if Brent is at one of them and I decided to search online for the apartment complex. It looked like it wasn't very far from where we were staying.

"Can you tell me what apartment number Max is in?" I asked Patricia. She again shook her head. "No, but I can make something that will guide you when you get there." She worked for a few minutes before producing a crystal on a chain. "Hold this chain when you get close and it should point the way." She said.

"I found him," Joel came out and said, "The jail is pretty close to where the bracelet is."

I ordered some flights online to go get Brent first and then go get Max. Since Max is with a witch, we will need more men.

"We found them." I mindlinked Rose.

"Oh thank the gods! Did you order me a plane ticket?" She asked in the mindlink. Oh shit, no I didn't. She's going to be mad but I don't want her to travel so close to giving birth.

"No sweetheart, I want you to stay home. Let us take care of this for you." I mindlinked. She didn't reply so that tells me that she's unhappy with my decision.

"You tell her?" Joel asked. I nodded and I think he could tell by the look on my face that she wasn't happy.

"Did you order a ticket for Damien?" Joel asked.

"Yes, we need all the help we can get when it comes to the witch. We don't know how powerful she is. For the first time I'm glad that Garrett is here to keep an eye on Rose. I just hope he doesn't try anything." I tell him.

Rose's POV

Colten mindlinked me to tell me that they found my guys but they were going to be going alone. I'm pissed off and depressed about it. I rubbed my belly, thinking about how soon I'll be giving birth to two beautiful angels. My due date is fast approaching and I'm ready for these babies to get out. I've also been trying to ignore Layla every time I passed by her in the halls. There was more than one time when I noticed her looking at me with disdain. I can't wait until she's exiled. Joel promised it would happen for sure after graduation. Then Sophie and I need to buy new dresses for tomorrow since we got kidnapped right after our previous shopping trip. Obviously we don't want to go back to that diner to inquire where the dresses went. Furthermore, I'm concerned about what's going to happen with Lucifer and Asmodeus. Did Asmodeus die? Did Lucifer? The stress of wondering is starting to get to me. Finally, I also can't stop thinking about the kiss with Garrett. I kept touching my lips all day, thinking about it.

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