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Rose's POV

So far I've made it 24 hours with Asmodeus. Trust me, it wasn't easy. Every time I turned around he was trying to make a move on me.

"Is there any way for me to reach my guys or Sophie? I feel uncomfortable not being able to reach them." I told him.

"I could get you a special hell phone, but what will I get in return?" He asked. Ugh the audacity of the man.

"Never mind. Just snap me up ground or something." I snapped at him.

Next thing I know, we are in the living room of mine and my mates' house. It felt so large and lonely without them. I pulled out my phone and gave Sophie a call but got no answer. I decided I wanted to visit my parents while I'm out of Hell. We hopped in Brent's car and made our way to their house. When I rolled into the driveway I noticed their cars were missing. I unlocked the front door and we made our way in but nobody was there. I tried calling both of them but got no answer. Something strange is going on. I decided to drive into town to see if I could figure out what's going on. I drove up to the local pharmacy but it was closed. In fact, everything in the town was closed. I didn't see a single soul.

"Asmodeus, what's going on?" I finally broke down and asked.

"I'm not sure." He said, "but something strange must've happened for everyone to disappear."

"Do you think they were evacuated somewhere?" I asked.

"Maybe? I think we should go to Sebastian's castle and see if he and Sophie are there." I quickly agreed with him and we both hopped back in the car.

We drove back to the house to drop off Brent's car and Asmodeus snapped us from there to the castle.

When we arrived, it was completely trashed.

What the hell happened here?

We walked through the castle, room by room, searching for any sign of life.

"Hello?! Is someone there?!" I heard faintly coming from the basement. I ran downstairs and saw my best friend strung up by her wrists on a beam, she looked scratched up and her clothes were torn. I saw patches of dry blood on her skin and clothes. She looked partly healed but her body was still in rough condition.

"Sophie!" I screamed as I ran towards her.

"No, don't! It's a trap!" She yelled out but it was too late. I felt someone grab my arm and yank me back forcefully. My hands and arms were tied. I tried to scream loudly, to will my angelic powers to make an appearance but they gagged me as soon as I started to make noise.

"Mmm, mmm" was all I could say with a gag in my mouth.

"You sound good with your mouth full." I heard a voice say. I tried to see who it was but then my eyes were covered by a blindfold.

I was forced to move forward until I fell down on my knees. I felt an arm grab me to force me back up on my feet. I was pushed forward until I ran into something hard. Someone's chest? I think.

"You're absolutely beautiful, Rose. My brother was an idiot, waiting for you to want to have sex with him. I'm not patient like him. As you can see, I have your friend, your family, in fact your whole town hostage. Now Asmodeus had one good idea, and that was having super children. You'll be my surrogate. You don't have a choice with all these lives on the line. So be a good girl and nod if you understand." The voice said.

I nodded while I sobbed. Once again I'm being held captive. What am I? A vessel to breed? I never imagined that I would get kidnapped again!

"Rose! I'll save you soon!" I hear Asmodeus yell.

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