Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:  Encounter

          " Yes! I won! "

Jonas watched Luke exclaim in excitement as arcade game tickets came pouring out of the arcade video game machine.

He hasn't noticed it before. Mostly, he has just been spending his time at the Cane Manor. This is the day that he had gone out of the Cane Manor and started going to school. And now Jonas we're wandering with Luke accompanied by the Cane Family's bodyguards in one of the shopping districts in Gotham City.

There are so many people in this bustling city. And there are so many different flavors emanating from Gotham itself.

He hasn't realized how saturated Gotham City is with fear itself until he started wandering around. He hasn't done anything actively to scare anyone but here he was being feed fear after fear.

Jonas felt that he would burst out if it continues.

[ Gotham City is one of the best fear breeding grounds in this universe ]

[ You have collected a buried fear ]

[ You have collected a buried fear ]

[ You have collected a buried fear... ]

While Jonas was feeling dazed by the continuous fear that was being absorbed by him, Luke frowned when he noticed that Jonas wasn't paying attention.

Luke observed that there was something wrong with Jonas. Even before he was invited to buy things and play arcade games.

Did being kidnapped could bring some very intense effect on behavior?

Luke then waved his hand in front of Jonas who then blinked for the first time since he was brought to this world. Jonas then came out of his daze and asked Luke.

" Did you collect enough tickets? "

" Yeah. "

Luke nodded and headed to the exchange booth followed by Jonas and his 2 bodyguards.

When they came into the exchange booth, Luke decided to exchange his tickets for a game console and the classic robin cosplay costume.

Jonas unconsciously chuckled when he saw the classic robin cosplay costume.

" I didn't know that you were a fan of the OG Robin. "

" I'm not. But my cousin was a fan of the OG Robin. "

Jonas decided to choose quiet and not give away because he doesn't know Luke has a cousin. Not inheriting the original memories and missing most of the importance of his memories was very problematic and troublesome for him.

Jonas was doing what he can to play the part of Jonas.

A beloved son.

But he was also wondering if he should play the role of being a menace to the students at the Gotham Elementary

" Would you give it to him as a gift? "

[ Kyle Avery died last year because of a Gotham Rogue ]

Luke lowered his head and answered.

" .. Yes. "

[ You have collected a desolation fear ]

[ You have collected a lonely fear ]

Jonas can't see what is the original's lackey expression right now but he was certain that it wasn't anything happy.

His Eye Fear God wasn't concerned with what effect any information or knowledge that it reveals to Jonas.

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