Chapter 45

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AN: WTF wattpad?!

Shitty Wattpad doing an oopsie. I wonder whose fault it is that my sister's story ended up being posted on my account.

She was sleep-deprived according to her but she was sure that she posted it on her account.

Maybe it was Wattpad.

After much deliberation (only a few minutes) we reached an agreement to just keep it in my account.

It is what it is...

The hell... How would our bet would work now?

Chapter 45: View of Death

   Somewhere in the East End and a secluded and dark alley, the fake Batman dropped the poor Iceberg Lounge waiter to the floor. The alley smelled of trash and piss. Neither the fake Batman nor the unlucky employee seemed to mind it.

The fake Batman was unbothered by it since he was wearing a mask covering the stench of the alley. Jonas on the other hand can't feel it while possessing the Marionette Henchman.

After unhooking the grappling gun, the fake Batman landed on the ground and dropped Theodore ungently to the ground.

It was fortunate that Jonas wouldn't be able to feel pain in the marionette henchman's body. He only frowned when he was dropped to the ground and showed an expression of fear while looking at the fake Batman.

Jonas doesn't know what is the intention of the man for kidnapping him. But if the man decided to kill Theodore, he would have no choice but to retaliate.

As for other options, Jonas can just let the fake Batman 'kill' Theodore and wait for the Fake Batman to dump the marionette henchman. Unfortunately, it would take some time and Jonas was uncertain if the fake dark knight would leave him here or dump him somewhere. Jonas would be cross if the false vigilante ended up throwing him away in the unsanitary Gotham Bay.

While Jonas was contemplating where he would end up if the false vigilante would 'kill' Theodore, he heard the fake Batman ask him a question.

" Why?.. why did you save a scum like the killer moth? "

' so it's curiosity that I ended up being kidnapped.. '

[ That's correct. ]

Hearing a confirmation of his conclusion from his Eye Fear God, Jonas was relieved that he wouldn't end up in a troublesome situation.

Deliberating for a moment, Jonas decided to entertain the fake vigilante's curiosity and answered in the 'Theodore Way'.

Theodore is supposed to be a goody-two-shoes person who doesn't fit the grim and dark atmosphere of Gotham City. A young man who was naive and kind. Someone who would be properly suited to live in Metropolis (Superman's territory), Central (Flash Family territory) or the Fawcett City (Captain Marvel's Territory).

" .. Mister.. I think that he doesn't deserve to die for his crimes. "

After a while, Theodore waited for the response of the Fake Batman. Eventually, the fake vigilante muttered.

"... It answers the question.  "

What answer?

Jonas thought as he awaited his possible fate of being at the man's gunpoint or being spared from the throes of 'death'.

Jonas was also disappointed that the fake vigilante was enduring his stare like the other vigilantes that he encountered.

' It was to be expected that the vigilantes wouldn't be unnerved so much by my stare, unlike normal civilians. '

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