Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Wayne Manor

The ride to Wayne Manor was peaceful. ( Peaceful to the point that the silence is stifling and oppressive ). They were fortunate enough and lucky that there's no Gotham Villain Rogue which has caused traffic or they were lucky that they didn't encounter such villains as Killer Croc, Bane, Clayface, or Solomon Grundy. Thus villains have the habit of smashing cars so often and sometimes, their battlefield with the vigilantes ends up on the road where it causing car crashes, smashed cars, and heavy traffic.

During the ride to Wayne Manor, both Luke and Jonas were engrossed in their cell phones. Jonas was watching a video on YouTube about cryptid stuff and scary Japanese urban legends. He made sure to not disturb the others with his video so he have his earphone connected to his phone. As for Luke Avery, he was chatting with the other stooges of Jonas in a group chat about a hero and villain debate power rankings. Luke was tapping into his smartphone furiously to the point that the blunt short nails of his finger has clashed with the screen of the phone resulting in those loud tap-tap-tap sounds. It was a miracle that Damian have manage to reign his irritation towards Luke during the ride and it didn't end up with Luke Avery being murdered.

Eventually, they arrived at Wayne Manor. Jonas was genuinely surprised when he saw Wayne Manor. He expected a mansion just like the Cane Residence's dark gothic mansion. (Many of the oldest structures in Gotham are styled in Gotham Style. )

But seeing the Wayne Manor as he got out of the vintage limousine car, he was wrong in his assumptions. The Wayne Manor looming over them didn't even pass the overall Gotham vibe check that the other old Manor of Gotham has. It wasn't also a mansion. It was a castle.

One of the ugliest castles that Jonas has seen in his opinion. The castle looks like it has sacrificed its design in exchange for functionality and defense. The Wayne Manor was more appropriate to be called a Castle Fortress instead of a mansion.

Jonas wondered what Damian's father was thinking when he combined the Gothic and Castellan architecture design to make the ugly manor. And are those things at the top a bunch of Solar Panels?

At least, it seems the Wayne Manor is environmentally friendly.

[ The original design of Wayne Manor is destroyed during the cataclysm of Gotham. ]

Jonas was confused by the information provided to him by his Eye Fear God. Did a violent disaster happen to Gotham? He needs to know more things and continue to research information about this world. His knowledge is certainly lacking. Nonetheless, there was a certainty that Jonas wouldn't be able to find all of the information that he was looking for on the internet.

Jonas and Luke then followed Damian and the old and proper Butler who have introduced himself as Alfred Pennyworth. While passing the gatehouse of the Castle and approaching the entrance hall of the manor, they were then informed by Alfred.

" Lady Bethany Altomare and Rosalie Hampton are waiting in the parlor of the manor. They are with Master Richard while you Masters are serving your punishment in Gotham Academy. "

" Tt. "

Jonas stared at Damian briefly before he and Luke followed Alfred as he ushered them to the parlor. Just like what Alfred has said, their other two classmates are already there.

Rosalie smiled when she was them enter the parlor. She waved her hand at them. Bethany who was engrossed in reading a book glanced at them and then closes the book that she was reading.

Richard Grayson who was one of Damian's adopted brothers then smiled at them. He looks friendly with his warm smile.

Jonas started wondering since he discovered that Damian is a little killer, there's a possibility that his Father and his brothers are killers too. With Richard Grayson's warm and friendly smile, no one would suspect what is beyond his friendly mask.

Jonas then stared at the old man butler and frowned. Maybe the old man is a killer too and their accomplice.

With Bruce Wayne known as the Prince of Gotham and the Wayne Enterprise influence, no one would think of the darkness that he hides behind his playboy persona.

Too bad, his eye fears God has informed him that his current only biological son is a killer.

Jonas wouldn't be fooled by their facade.

[ The Web is smiling ]

After smiling, Damian's adopted older brother then approached him.

" Jonas Cane right? Are you fine with being called Jonas by me? You have already met me a few days ago. If you do not remember, I can remind you. I'm Richard Grayson but I prefer to be called Dick. "

Jonas frowned when Richard Grayson stretched out his hand toward him. Nonetheless, he tried to reciprocate the gesture by stretching out his left hand. Although, he could only shake a portion of Mr. Grayson's hands and his hand was enveloped entirely by the young man.

His hands were shaken firmly by Mister Grayson. It causes another frown to form on Jonas's face.

He remembered that he used to be a believer in the Shake hands firmly club in his past life. But then some people use to shake hands with him to the point of pain that they didn't even apologize.

Remembering them, Jonas tried to get out of the hand of Mr. Grayson thankfully, Damian's adopted brother notice it and let go of his hand gently. Before the atmosphere became awkward, Mr. Grayson decided to ask Jonas.

" Where is your pet spider, Jonas? Did you not bring it here with you? "

Jonas pursed his lips when he heard the question and replied. He thought that Mr. Grayson seems a little patronizing in his opinion.

[ Richard "Dick" Grayson is a little curious about his adopted brother's bully and eccentric classmate. ]

" Uttu is not it. She is she... Anyway,
my Dad has forbidden me from bringing Uttu, Mr. Grayson. "

" A pity, Damian is also fond of animals. "

There was a piercing glare directed toward Mr. Grayson.

" Anyway, calling me Dick is fine. I don't mind formalities. "

Jonas stares intensely at Mr. Grayson. Truthfully, he was now regretting not volunteering on offering the Cane Manor as the location of creating their Science Project. He doesn't want to get familiar with his classmate's little killer and his family.

Although, Jonas was taking a consideration if he should involve Mr. Grayson in his theoretical web ritual. He then dismissed the thought after it entered his mind. Too risky– Jonas doesn't want to be discovered and for his ritual to fail if he would involve someone from a very influential person in Gotham.

After a while, Mr. Grayson called out to Jonas when the latter just started into the space unblinking and lose in his thoughts. It was unnerving and worrying at the same time.

" Jonas? "

" I'm alright Mr. Duck. "

Mr. Grayson sputtered when he heard Jonas butchering his nickname. There was an amused smile on Alfred while Luke and Bethany gasp at the audacity of Jonas. As for Rosalie, she was smiling.

Eventually, after talking a bit with them and having a silent conversation with Damian in the distance, and Mr. Grayson hugging Damian, Mr. Grayson left.

The old butler then went to fetch them some snacks than their group proceeded to head to the library to start creating their school science project.

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