Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Duck Shenanigans (Part 1)

After taking care of the Scarecrow and sending him back to Arkham Asylum, Jonas decided to call it for a day and immediately run away from Squire. On his first day as a Vigilante wanna be, he have given a bad impression to Squire.

Using his grappling hook, he escaped from her. After a while, he noticed that she didn't chase after him and there were no other vigilantes coming after him.

Jonas felt relieved of that information.

Eventually, he arrived on the narrows and entered the windows of his room. Stuffing his vigilante costume and painting in the cabinet, Jonas sat on the only chair of his rented room in this apartment. Holding Anabelle the ugly and creepy doll once again, the face of Theodore Morrison disappeared and became a faceless man once again.

Jonas left the body of the Marionette Henchman and arrived on his main meatsack.

He was assaulted with various information from the Archivist system when he returned to Jonas.

      [ Mission: Hunt for the Scarecrow is completed ]

[ Detect Bloodlust (skill) gained ]

[ Detect Bloodlust → A skill from the Hunt that allows you to detect killing intent from 0 to 1 km circle radius. ]

[ Black Dog (Avatar-Animal) gained ]

[ Confirming the identity of the Avatar-Animal ]

[ Dormarch → A mythological hound associated with the Welsh Wild Hunt motifs. A dog possessing 3 fish tails and one of the best animal companions when hunting someone.]

[ Do you want to summon the Dormarch? ]

' No.. Later, please. '

He still doesn't know where he is right now? Hopefully, not under the coffin right?

[ Vampire Characteristics: 10% is being applied ]

' Uh.. Right.. I have this reward too.. '

Hopefully he got something good.

[ Passive Skill: Night Vision gained ]

[ Passive Skill: Enhanced Eyesight gained ]

His Eye Fear God would be pleased with this skills.

[ Passive Characteristic: Cold Body (15°c/ 59 °F) ]

' Another step away from being human... '

[ Bat Transformation ]

' Batman should have this skill. But there was rumors in the Internet that he is a vampire. Could he also turn into a bat'

Jonas thought with both amusement and excitement.

[ All rewards received ]

[ You have partially unlock your Hunt Patron by: 5% ]

[ The Web is dissatisfied ]

' It wasn't my fault that I have partially unlocked the hunt... '

[ The Hunt is grinning wildly ]

[ The Spider swears that the Hunt would be trapped by her webs ]

[ The Hunt is satisfied with hunting Scarecrow ]

[ The Hunt is looking forward to the next hunt ]

[ The Dark wants another interesting story ]

[ The Eye is glaring at the Dark ]

' Agh... It's so noisy.. '

[ The Buried wants a story centered around the Buried ]

[ The Vast likes the the Buried to remain Buried and under the ground ]

[ The Corruption is interested in hearing the Joker's story ]

[ The Slaughter wants to meet Darkseid ]

[ The Spiral is currently watching something interesting in the time stream ]

[ The Stranger can sense a very interesting villain in the Gotham City in the future ]

[ The Lonely is begging the End to convince everyone to keep quiet ]

[ The End agrees ]

[ The End silence everyone ]

Jonas was relieved when the various notifications stopped and he wasn't having a headache anymore. Suddenly, he much more preferred when his Fear Gods are quiet and only the Eye, Spider and sometimes the End is the only one that he could hear.

If eating stories would make them like this, he shouldn't eat them frequently.

[ The Eye is staring at the little archivist intensely ]

Even with his eyes close, Jonas suddenly felt that there was a lot of people staring at him. He felt a shiver on his spine and he hurriedly replied inside his mind.

' It was just a thought. '

The Eyes receded. After a minute, he finally decided to open his eyes and found where he is when he heard the murmurs of some people. Opening his eyes slowly, he was assaulted with a brilliant white light.

' .. it hurts. '

Could he possibly be in the Morgue?

After thinking that, Jonas parents suddenly entered his mind. He felt sad. And he have grown attached to them and the Cane Manor.

' Who would take care of Uttu and Hamish? Hopefully, they would still stay at the Cane Manor and wouldn't give them to anyone.. '

He also grown attached to their money. If he escaped the morgue, living in the streets wasn't something that he was looking forward.

' But there's also Damian and Bethany. I think that they would take care of my pets carefully if my parents have given them. As for Luke and Rosalie.. Their parents wouldn't allow them..'

Despite being a serial killer, Jonas thinks Damian would be someone who was good at taking care of animals.

After a few moments, Jonas started moving his toes and fingers. Followed by his feet and hands... his arms and legs.. And now his whole body.

Getting up from the thing that he was lying on, he found himself on an autopsy table. Then Jonas was surprised. Different from what he expected, he wasn't in a cold and dark morgue. He was in some sort of Lab. A secret lab, an underground lab or illegal lab.

'  Is someone planning to experiment on me? '

Immediately, he stared at his body. He has still clothes on to his apparent relief. Then he brought his hands under his clothes and he didn't feel any stitches or Y incisions on his body.

Leaving the autopsy table and the lab, he started walking around and found that there's an elevator. With apprehension and excitement at the same time (Mostly excitement). He entered the elevator. He was like a kid that found a new toy.

' Hmm.. Where should I go? '

[ The Web recommends you to go 2nd floor of this place ]

With the Web's recommendation, Jonas decided to see what was in the first floor. He tapped the keypad of the elevator. The doors to the elevator close and he can feel the elevator moving down 1 floor lower. There was a chime and the door of the elevator opened.

Jonas and the person outside of the elevator room were surprised. Then it was followed by an almost girly shriek coming from Nightwing.

Jonas we're disappointed. Followed by Ragman, Batman.. Nightwing is his 3rd favorite Vigilante. Jonas decided that Batwoman was now his new 3rd favorite Vigilante.

" Zombie! "

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