Chapter 44

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AN: And here's another update...

Regarding the LOTM fanfic, I want to rewrite it and erase the former fanfic since seeing it is making me want to cringe so badly or die inside.

The same for my Reincarnated in SCP fanfic. Fuck.. It was currently on indefinite hiatus and I have no plan on updating it but maybe I would rewrite it in the future?

If I would rewrite it I was planning on changing a lot of things (fuck, it was a new story) like changing the MC, and instead of having a nonexistent character exist in SCP. I would just have an SI be reincarnated into an existing character...

Maybe someone from the foundation?

Hint: It's not one of the 4 infamous doctors of the foundation(apocalypse)...

Chapter 44: The Iceberg Lounge Incident (Part 5)

   The villains, henchmen, and the employees were silent as they stared at Batman for a few seconds. For the villains, they were having a temporary brain freeze.

Their number one enemy. The one against them and always imprisoned them because of their crimes was here. The feared protector of the Gotham City. Batman whom all of them believed to be dead since he stopped showing up a month ago.

Now, the believe dead man has once again come and haunt their doors.

Complicated emotions ran among the various villains but some were secretly ecstatic that the Dark Knight was here.

Penguin is the first to get out of his stupor. Regaining his senses and accepting that his number one enemy is alive, he declared to his employees and fellow villains alike.

" Everyone, seize him! "

In response to those words, Batman stomped his foot harshly on the body beneath him. Polka Dot man groaned in pain. He was just very plain unlucky to be the landing spot of Batman. After stomping the body beneath him with his foot, Batman prepared to pull the trigger and shoot the killer moth in the head.

But before he can do that, someone has to move the muzzle of the rifle away from Killer Moth. The joke villain was kicked away from the direction of the muzzle a few distance away. Flying from the ground, rolling to the floor, and landing in pain.

Killer Moth groaned in pain. Inside his mind, he was crying because who the fuck dares to kick him on the side of his body. At the same time, he was also secretly thankful that he was now away from the grasp of death– the muzzle of the rifle gun of Batman.

Opening his eyes and glancing at the direction where the kick came from, Killer Moth along with the other villains were surprised by the identity of the kicker.

It was Penguin's newest employee. The youngest employee.

The young man has his uniform soaked with blood but the wounds that don't have glass shards are healing. The leg that he used to kick Killer Moth appeared to become bent and the bones on it were broken.

Despite that, there was no expression of pain in the young man but merely blinked his eyes and stared back at the gaggle of villains, henchmen, employees, and Batman who were staring at him with various expressions of surprise.

' A meta '

Everyone thought as they watched the bent leg get healed and the young man stretched that leg and checked it. Penguin who witnessed this scene was already thinking of using this new employee of his in various ways for his criminal schemes. If this young man resists, Penguin has his ways to make this young man comply.

Before everyone could move again from their surprise, the door to the Iceberg Nightclub opened loudly.

The two bouncers at the door of the Nightclub collapse to the ground with their faces facing the floor and groaning in pain.

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