Chapter 52

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RE ZERO SEASON 3!! The new trailer is so good!!

I'm excited about what will happen!!

The battle arc is coming and all of the Royal Candidates showing up!

Finally, we would get to see Reinhard fighting and there were a lot of things that would happen.

And on another news,... I think I have fallen into the Rabbit Hole of Project Moon... Why did I start playing Limbus Company?!

Why did Mili's Limbus company song appear on my YouTube recommendation?

Shit. Now, I can't stop my mind from conjuring a LOTM × Project Moon crossover fanfic.

And anyway, I really news about the rewrite that I am talking about SCP months ago... I don't think I can do it anymore since I fell out of the SCP fandom... and every time I try to reread it and the comments... It's horrible and I have forgotten what direction the story is going.

For the former LOTM fanfic (The Foreigner) since I am rewriting it into that FGO × LOTM chapter which has a lot of plot changes, I would delete the fanfic in May.

Limbus Company × LOTM crossover...

I think that the 2 worlds would blend well because of their eldritch horror stuff.

The gameplay is confusing and hard to understand however I am doing the best that I can... and fuck, the story is so good and messed up. However, I can't stop from playing it....

Anyway, here's another chapter.....

Chapter 52: The intolerable Archivist

It was regretful that during the Slumber Party in the Cane Manor, Damian didn't join them. He didn't tell them the reason. He only told them that he wouldn't join and that's it. Jonas was disappointed about it. However, he would just invite Damian when they decided to have a slumber party at another time at the Cane Manor. But for now, Jonas would explore again Gotham City as the Vigilante Archivist while his friends sleep in the Cane Manor.

Exploring Gotham for the night and helping the other vigilantes of Gotham, tonight, Archivist was grouped with Huntress.

Since he joined their group of vigilantes on the Network, Archivist has always been grouped in Knight and Squire's group. The latter was the first one that he encountered among the group of vigilantes and technically, the 2nd was the unconscious ragman. However, during that first encounter, ragman was fully unconscious and the Archivist didn't have any opportunity to talk with Ragman since then.

For tonight, Miss Oracle has decided to group him with the vigilante Huntress. As Jonas, he has seen the Huntress who was one of the vigilantes to arrive during the scarecrow gas theater incident in the Theater where Jonas and the others are located.

Arriving at the designated meeting spot that Miss Oracle told through the communicator at the East End, the Archivist was greeted by the Huntress.

" I heard that you got in trouble during the Iceberg Lounge. "

However, it wasn't the greeting that he got but an inquiry. It was an unstated fact in the Vigilantes of the Network that the reason the Archivist seems familiar with the Iceberg Lounge and any information happening on Penguin is that the Archive used to work on the Iceberg Lounge.

Thankfully, Knight, Squire, and Miss Oracle decided to not mention anything about Archivist 'Civilian Identity'. They have some sense to not talk anything about his real identity.

After the incident with the fake Batman, Miss Oracle asks the Archivist about what happened between him and the fake Batman and offers her help since the Archivist's civilian identity can't work in Iceberg Lounge anymore.

The Archivist of Gotham (The Magnus Archive × Batman Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now