Chapter 48

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Jang Myung-woo's eyes shone strangely.

"The year-end awards ceremony?"

"Let's bet on the rookie award."

I guess my words were very funny. Suddenly, Jang Myung-woo moved his Adam's apple and smiled cheerfully.

"I'll see our Lee Chan at HS next year?"

Jang Myeong-wu, who spoke with a confident face, lowered his voice and whispered.

"If things go as they are now, this year's rookie award will be given to Mute Seven."

How fast the brain is, the plan for the second half is filled in this short time.

You once bragged about dismantling them. TVH, KBC, SBN, and MBS. Your head is full of where to line up.

In the midst of this, he is a great human being in many ways, not thinking at all about how to win with his skills.

"You see, if you can."

If you think it's a game with no chance of winning based on your skills, it's as if the conclusion has already been reached. You won't be able to get past me with tricks.

I don't know if the demon lord revives and uses spirit magic. As long as I made up my mind once, the trophy at the year-end awards ceremony is mine.

I'll do my best.

"Instead, if we get it, right? Then, you will reveal Whoz M is, HS's secret weapon, who is actually Kang Yi-chan. Give me back my laptop too."

I smiled coldly and pushed the chair in the break room with a noise and jumped up from my seat.

"Well then, good job."


It was when Pyo Chun-hee, PD, bought snacks for the children and just entered the TVH M&E Center.

As he was walking towards the elevator, a familiar shadow passed by in the direction of the first floor break room.

"Kang Yi-chan?"

It was obviously Kang Yi-chan. And the one walking a few steps ahead of him is Jang Myung-wu, CEO of HS.

PD Pyo, who ordered the staff to get the snack and get into the elevator first, moved to the direction where Lee Chan had just disappeared.

Only silence flowed quietly in the M&E center nearing midnight.

PD Pyo, who was walking down the hallway holding his breath, was able to find Lee Chan without difficulty.

Beyond the glass door in the break room, the profile of Yi Chan facing CEO Myung-Woo Jang was clearly visible.

A straight back and a proudly raised chin. And arrogantly lowered eyelids.

"Ha, bastard. It's commendable that he doesn't faint in front of Jang Myeong-woo."

And unintentionally, he overheard the conversation between the two.

At first, anger toward Jang Myung-woo boiled over. How dare you offer to scout my singer? A little bit, it was like that.

Then anxiety set in.

Originally, Kang Yi-chan belonged to HS. That means it's not that he doesn't have a heart for it. He must have had a trainee life there but he must have done something wrong.

For some reason, he was excluded from the debut group, broke the contract and left the company, and the company calls for love to come back?

He will have no choice but to shake. Besides, CEO Jang Myung-woo properly threw the bait at Yi Chan-i. Bringing up the story of the company house.

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