Chapter 104

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The next morning, after a brief interview with another magazine, we wrapped up our schedule in Japan.

Nizi TV's entertainment director Asano accompanied us to the airport and served us.

{Everyone from L.I.T. I'm looking forward to your first album in Japan.}

I sneaked closer to Director Asano, who was bowing down to say his final goodbyes.

{Director. The paparazzi that came after us yesterday. They were people from Akato TV.}

{Is that true?}

Director Asano's expression hardened.

{I picked up a business card... would you like to see}

I brought back a business card I found while rummaging through the man's pocket yesterday.

I handed over the business card and whispered in the director's ear.

{If you do a good search, you'll find one or two eyewitness accounts. Hopefully, someone may have filmed it.}

Watching Director Asano's fingernails turn white as he accepted the business card, I lowered my head to say goodbye.

You don't have to worry about post-processing.

And the results appeared two days later..

• Light bulbs, have you seen this video? (Link) Our kids, what happened in Japan?

ㄴHeok. what's this? Isn't the one with black hat Jundaeng in the video?

ㄴwhy not. I can tell just by looking at the back of my husband's earsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

The Akihabara chase video quickly spread through the Japanese community. The filaments that saw it turned upside down.

• No ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Are they paparazzi? what are they doing? it's too dangerous ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㄴAre the paparazzi following them so blatantly? Isn't it illegal?

ㄴThe British Crown Princess died because of paparazzi ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ blade what are you doing ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Aren't you supposed to protect the artist?

• Isn't Japan crazy? If you took the kids, you have to return them nicely. Where is that? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㄴGuys ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Let's not go to that country anymore. What is that? Is it true that they returned safely? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Then, a Japanese fan's writing was translated and uploaded.

• ㅠㅠ I am truly sorry that something like this happened in Japan. But there are not many people like that in Japan. It's safe. (View original text)

ㄴsafe? Does that look safe?

• Lit's stage at the Cherry Blossom Festival was so cool that they gained a lot of fans. That's why it seems to be overdone. Instead, I apologize. They have to come back to Japan as well. There are also many filaments in Japan 8_8 (View original text)

• I brought you a new article and video. (Link) Because it was Akihabara, there were so many witnesses. There are even Koreans...

ㄴWow, are those newbies reporters? Are you a broadcaster?

ㄴ A post about a close-up of their face compared to the company profile just popped up. In addition, each member was attached one by one.

ㄴAre they crazy? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ How surprised my babies must have been ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Top Idol, Anyway (PART 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora