Chapter 83

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The room assignment was also funny.

The rather large and nice room went to Cha Ju-hyuk and Yoo Hee-chul. The two solitary confinements went to Park Hae, the only female performer, and Jung Myeong-won, who was said to have a bad sleeping habit.

Eventually, the other three ended up using a warehouse in the attic as their lodging.

So, I ended up sharing a room with Hyunsoo Kim and Noah Yuna.

The pointed ceiling of the gable roof, and three windows pierced through the roof. Three single beds were placed under the window. And as if it were very natural, there were cameras installed everywhere.

"To be sharing the same room as the two of you. Are you good?"

He said, but with his back to the camera, Kim Hyun-soo's face was cold.

He is an existence with clear standards of life to the extent that he only hangs out with other people in his 'class', but he must be dissatisfied with using this kind of warehouse as his accommodation.

But I accepted it fairly easily.

At least it was a more plausible place than the last L.I.T dorm.

Yunoa also seemed to have no complaints.

Anyway, that guy is the devil. Because anywhere in the world would be better than the swamp of shadows.

Along with the bed, a shabby closet was assigned one by one. I quickly organized my luggage and soon found a blind spot for the camera.

It was an action in case of an emergency.

It might not be possible, but it was a calculation that I would avoid the camera if I had to draw a magic circle or punch Yunoa.

It seemed the same for Yunoa.

He had been doing something very similar to me.

At times like this, it's good to peek into the guy's inner thoughts with the presence of mind, but if you do something wrong, your thoughts will be read, so you have no choice but to be careful.

Then a message came in.

2000 years old garbage

When I turned my head, Yunoa, who was standing in the blind spot of the camera, smiled at me. Hee then types a message on his cell phone.

Soon my phone rang a notification.


2000 years old garbage
• Don't use your heart's presence carelessly here. Save your mana.

Why? •

2000 years old garbage
• It's not just people with goodwill who are attracted to juniors' glitter.


I raised my head and looked at Yunoa.

Then Yunoa, who smiled at me, sent a message again.


2000 years old garbage
• You curious? If you are curious, give me 500 won :)


Isn't that person 2,000 years old? How old are you making jokes?


Fuck off •


the next morning.

When Yunoa and I showed up wearing Hawaiian shirts of the same pattern and different colors, Jeong Hae-seong's mouth was torn to the point where it caught on her ears.

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