Chapter 100

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Jeong Yubin.  Why is this bastard here?

"nice to meet you?"

Then Jung Yoo-bin nodded with a smile on his eyes.

"Nice to meet you. Chan-ah Lee."

The moment I wondered if an explanation might be needed at this point, Kim Jeong-soo intervened.

“Ichance.  i invited  A hero who saved our genius composer from a crisis.  I need to feed him at least one meal.”

So here, the genius composer is me, and the hero is Jeong Yu-bin, right?  He said he would buy him food because he was grateful, so he called him here after all?

Anyway, Kim Jeong-soo's nosiness is of the Pacific class.

I resisted the creeping irritation.

No, maybe it's a good thing.

"Thank you. Hyung."

I smiled at Kim Jeong-soo and stared at Jeong Yu-bin.

“I was going to buy you a meal, but hyung arranged a table like this.”

It was something I didn't mean to say, but it was also said with a lot of selfishness.

It was because Master's teachings came to mind a long time ago.

[When a wizard reaches the 9th circle, that is, the highest level, he will receive power from the gods.  Just as you have received three powers today.]

It was said that there are nine divine powers in all, and more than one is given to wizards who reach the ninth circle.

[In the long history of Armania, there is no magician who has received three powers of God.  There were only two Monk Bartholomew, the previous great mage.]

Even my great teacher, Yondran, only has one.

It was about the best defense, the 'Blood Shield'.

[The fact that there is a 'spirit of the heart' among them means that God has chosen you as the archmage.]

yes.  All the great wizards of Armania in the past have been powerful men of the 'spirit of the heart'.  The reason why the position of the archmage was vacant for 21 years was because there was no wizard who received the power of the heart.

[God wants the archmage to maintain peace in this world with his authority.  Reading the minds of each faction and adjusting them so that they do not lean in either direction, that is what the role of the archmage means.]

That's why everyone called Parapara's Mage Tower the 'Gray Tower' or 'Fair Scales'.

A color neither black nor white, grey,

A horizontal balance that is not biased either this way or that way.

The Archmage was given the power to see through everything in order to properly fulfill the role of the Mage Tower.

He also said that another intention of God in granting the spirit of the mind to the archmage was to confront the 'demon king'.

Because the only weapon that could stand against the demon lord's 'mind erosion' is the 'presence of the heart'.

[Occasionally, there may be people who do not communicate with the spirit of the heart.  Such a person is the one whose soul was stolen by the demon king.]

[Should I get rid of such a person?]

[Remove it if necessary.  But there are times when you can't do that.]

Top Idol, Anyway (PART 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora