Chapter 130

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As soon as the filming was over, Noah went to the parking lot. It was because the blue light of the Archmage shimmered from the side of the outdoor parking lot.

When he looked at it a little while ago, the mana hole and the heart collided seriously, and the flow of energy must have been twisted, but he flew all the way here.

"There's no such thing as stubbornness in iron tendons."

Do you still not know how many lives are attached to your shoulders?

If you do this knowingly, your recklessness is second to none. As he left the filming set and went to an unknown place after the parking lot, the blue energy became stronger.

"About this ......"

There it is. Little lit.

The great archmage was sitting curled up in a corner of a dark outdoor parking lot, scratching something with a wooden stick.

"Hey, Ghesquière."

As he approached, pretending to be familiar, his expressionless face turned this way for a moment. Then he turned his head and continued drawing on the floor.

"Still, let's say hello. After all, I'm the senior."

"What senior. No way."

The archmage snorted and indifferently put down the stick he was holding in his hand. Then he got up and moved his hand.

Who is not the great wizard? Blue magic power swayed from his moving fingertips.

"Look carefully."

The tip of his chin pointed at the floor painting he had just been drawing.

"Two crescent moons facing each other surround the edge of the seal. And a pointed tower and an eye, an eagle's claw that snatches the eye."

The way he pointed out and explained each picture he drew looked solemn.

"What is this? Could it be the coat of arms of a noble family that serves the archmage?"

"It looks like a simple sentence, but it's a magic circle."

The tip of the crescent moon, the position of the claws, the angle of the steeple, the position and size of the eyeballs.

If you connect all of these with magical power, it becomes a single magic circle.

A magic circle embodying complex magic spells.

"Besides, it's very powerful."

"You tried to break it?"

Now, it seems that the magic circle was so strong that Kang I-chan's body, who was running in the mid-to-late 5th circle, could not handle it. When he tried to break it, a mana collision occurred.

"Yeah. I tried to break it, but I couldn't. I think it's at least the 8th circle."

A magic circle can only be broken if the magician who created it dies or casts a stronger spell. In terms of magic, there must be no magic circle that a great wizard who has reached the highest level cannot break, but it seems that a weak body has become a problem.

That's why you've become so picky.

"Are you sure it's a magic circle?"


"Does that mean there are wizards in this world?"

I vaguely knew.

Because what the archmage couldn't see, he, the demon lord, could see. It must have been a world where wizards could not exist, but the flow of magical power was evident. Something unpleasantly tangled like a skein of black thread.

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