Chapter 80

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In early January, the award ceremony season has come to an end.

And, as expected, L.I.T won the Rookie of the Year award at every awards ceremony.

Two incidents had a great influence on L.I.T. winning the Rookie of the Year award without any competition.

One was the spread of rumors that the MBS lighting accident was caused by Mute Seven's Kim Woo-young's instigation to ruin L.I.T's year-end stage. The police said it was an 'accidental accident', but no one believed it. This is because HS kicked out Kim Woo-young.

And secondly, Mute Seven's Jeong Yu-bin made an accusation against director Kim Chan-young of HS through a press conference.

The main point was that he had Kim Woo-young, who was a trainee at HS, steal Kang Yi-chan's laptop, and that Kang Yi-chan's song was released to the world under the name Whos M. Whos M is a faceless composer, and does not exist.

When people were curious about Whos M's identity, Director Kim Chan-young called Jung Yoo-bin and asked, "What if you become Whos M?"

it's all bullshit.

When Kim Woo-young reported Whos M's atrocities to the newspaper, Jeong Yu-bin intercepted it. It could be that Jeong Yu-bin, who said that his back stomach was huge, received a reverse report from the newspaper. His father is a member of parliament.

In the end, Kim Chan-young took over everything. The accident is also recognized as an atrocity committed to block Kang Yi-chan's request to return the song.

"Damn it."

While reading the article, I threw away my cell phone.

Then Kyu-hyung, who was driving, looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"what's the matter?"

"Just. Annoyed."

everything is annoying

I've been thinking about what could be the cause of this annoyance, and maybe this is the only one. That the end of achievement is not clear.

Achieved achievement. In other words, I have achieved all of my goals in this world.

I successfully debuted L.I.T and granted Kang I-chan's first wish.

I moved my accommodation to a decent place, and I paid off all my debts as Kang Yi-chan.

As L.I.T's mini-album hit the jackpot, copyright fees came in quite a bit, and Kang Yi-chan's copyright, which Whos M had taken, was revived, and HS also paid a fair amount of copyright fees.

It means that my bank account has become quite rich.

<KRW 573,978,000>

Considering that it was a three-digit number when I first looked at Kang I-chan's bankbook, it was a great improvement.

So I am going to Samcheok now to make Kang Yi-chan's last wish come true.

<Giving my poor mother a butler.>

After the successful completion of our second mini-album promotion, Pyo Pyro D gave us a three-day vacation. In a small way, if you are going to give us a vacation, you should give it a week. What is three days?

Still, all the members were satisfied and went back to their respective homes yesterday.

Left alone, I went to the bank.

I turned a considerable amount of money into a check and did my shopping meticulously. Kyuhyung said that this is the hometown of gold.

It's not enough to return without dying, so we bought presents, so my mother will be happy.

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