Chapter 17

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I turned towards my home. I was so immersed in the thoughts that I didn't notice the shuffling sounds coming from the direction of my home. As soon as I realised the weird aura, I hid behind bushes and watch the whole situation.

There were police officers standing in front of my house and three police vehicles were there. They all were talking about something to my dads, and dads were trying to calm them down. I heard the faint voices and they were discussing something about me. I was focusing on what they were saying, and suddenly I heard Lisa's name and something about the rule. I understood what they were talking. My hands and legs started shaking when I heard the whole conversation. They knew about the relationship between me and Lisa and what we've done in school. I was trembling in fear. I couldn't think of anything at that time. So I ran away from that place.

I reached to a safe distance and thinking about what to do. I only trust one guy at that time. I called Kim. At first, he ignored my call, then I texted him to call me.

"What do you want, Rick? I thought I made it very clear that I didn't want to-" He stopped talking. "You are crying?" He heard the sniffling sound. I was definitely crying and shaking in fear.

"K-kim." My throat choked up. The words refused to came out.

"W-where are you? And why are you even crying? What the hell is going on?" He shouted from the other side of the phone. He was afraid too about my condition.

"K-kim, I want to meet y-you. You a-all. T-the gang." I stuttered. I couldn't think straight at that moment, and even my words refused to form properly.

"What happened? Please tell me. You are scaring me now."

"J-just come with t-them. U-under bridge." I asked him and cut the call. I ran towards the under bridge. The rain keeps pouring, thunderstorm getting strong, my vision got blurred out due to the tears and rain drops. Everything was going against me. Even the nature decided to cause trouble for me. Everything seems very unfair. I was surrounded with darkness. The dark aura of the negativity. I wanted to run away from everything, from this place. I wanted to give up. But I couldn't. I had to fight back. I had to stand up. For me, and for Lisa. After me, they'll approach Lisa, and drag her into everything. I didn't want to cause more trouble for her. I already brought her into all this. She was trying her best to stay out of it, to stay away from me, but I forced her. Now, I couldn't give up. My legs were bolting towards my destination.

I reached the under bridge, but still the gang couldn't make it. I was drenched with water from top to bottom. I was standing alone, with my head hung low and shaking body. Shaking with fear and the cold breeze that hit my wet body.

After few moments, they all started filling the empty space under the bridge. They all gave me same disgusted look and I was just look at them with glimmer eyes. I called them in the hope, that they can save me. And I trust all of them with my whole heart, that no matter what, they'll help me.

"What do you want now?" Mark came forward and asked. Kim held his shoulder and came forward.

"What happened? Why'd you call me at this hour? And what's with-" He looked at me from top to bottom. "-this condition of yours?" He bombarded me with questions. And I was just a mess. I couldn't process anything.

"P-police." As soon as I said this word, all of their eyes grew wide and they looked at me in confusion and shock.

"W-what police?" Andrew asked.

"T-the police." I couldn't find the right words to explain the situation. That whole thing was a lot for a high schooler like me.

"Rick, collect yourself and speak up. What police?" Jack grabbed my shoulders and yelled at me. He was afraid too. They all assumed the situation but wanted to clarify it. Brad too came forward and held my hand and encouraged me to speak up.

"P-police got to know- know a-about everything. L-lisa and I-I." Everybody stood still. They didn't know how react or what to say. The grip of Jack's hands loosen from my shoulder. Only the sound of cold breeze and falling rain droplets was there. Tears were still flowing from my eyes.

"H-how?" Kim asked me. He was shocked too. No matter how much he hates me, he could never see me in a situation like this. He could never hate me wholly.

"I-i don't know. They w-were standing in front of my house. A-and....and talking to my dads. I r-ran away."

Kim hugged me. And that hug felt nice. That hug was all what I needed at that moment. I held him tight and let out all the tears. I cried really hard in his embrace. He patted my back.

We stood there for more than 10 minutes. Everybody came and joined us. We all hugged together. I knew it, they all loved me no matter what I did. They all loved me unconditionally. We hugged and I was crying.

The faint sound of sirens and the rustling were came in contact to our ears. We all separated. The sound of opening and closing of car doors were there. We all got scared.

"Hello, kids." The lead police officer, along with his subordinates came in. He gave a wicked smile to me. We all were standing numb, we didn't even moved from our places.

"Shocked? As to how we got to know about this place?" He came forward and grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb.

"Rick, what were they talking about? Was that true? You and Lisa?" Dady came forward from the crowd and asked. I just hung my head low and stood there silently. He got his answer. I was about to look at him but suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek and my head turned towards my right. That was the first time when dady slapped me. He never even scolded me before. Dad sometimes scolded me, but dady never raised his voice at me. And now, he slapped me, so hard. I thought they'll support me too, unconditionally. They showed their immense support when I was in a relationship with Kim, but they couldn't even gave me a chance to speak up about the matter with Lisa.

"And, that's why you were zoned out since a long time, right?" Dad asked. His voice was stern.

"D-dad, l-let me ex-"

"Just shut the fuck up, Rick. What do you think, huh? You'll do everything and we will accept?" He shouted at me. His eyes turned red. Dad, for the first time, cursed in front of me. He and dady always kept me away from these things. But, I had to face every single thing, from which I was protected.

"Okay, enough of the family drama now. We need to head towards the headquarters. We'll discuss this matter there." The main police official announced.

"But how did you know, about me, being here." I was curious, so I asked him.

"Ohh, about that..." He gave another smile and turned towards the gang. "Thanks, son."

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