𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒚

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John Crashaws pov (murderer #2)

"Rise and shine!" I yell as I step into the room, turning the lights up brighter. It was eight in the morning, I had came here much earlier than anticipated but I did cook up a mean breakfast which consists of three pancakes in a fluffy stack, some bacon and fluffy eggs.

She turns on her side and curls up into a tighter ball, sniffling quietly.

"Cara" I spoke, coming over towards her. I set her tray down by the mattress and she turns around and finally faces me, her eyes stained with redness. She looked like she didn't get any sleep.

"What?" Her voice was small, tinier than before.

"I brought you some food" I gesture towards the tray.

She sits up in an uncomfortable position and holds her hands over her stomach. I had no clue what the fuck she was doing, rather than just sitting and eating she's crying and holding her stomach.


"I'm not hungry" she mumbles, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

"Doesn't matter, you need to eat."

"I don't need to do shit...you've already trapped me here what else do you want?" She hissed angrily and rather than taking a calm breath I stride over to her and stand on the mattress, not caring I was wearing very expensive shoes. I step on each side of her and hover down, meeting my eyes with hers.

"I want you to eat, you think if I wanted to fucking make you suffer I would feed you and offer you clothes and pads? I should have, that was the plan anyways...but I've decided to be nice-"

"Well thank you! Thank you for kidnapping me and being generous" she sighs sarcastically and I pull her by the front of her shirt, no longer seeing the need to be nice at this point.

Her eyes widen as I pull her close by the front of her shirt, squeezing tightly.

"You don't want nice guy anymore? You fucking got it" I push her back and she hits the wall, her eyes widened as she watches me nervously, getting up and grabbing her tray of wonderful food i had made just for her.

Ungrateful bitch.

I push all of the food into the toilet, watching as it goes down and flush it, smirking to myself. She wanted me to be the bad guy...I didn't necessarily know why I was being nice anyways she didn't deserve it.

"I'm...sorry" she speaks softly and I turn around to find her burying her head into her hands, in the verge of tears.

Not this shit again...

"Don't fucking start-"

"I'm sorry...this is all my fault..."she bursts into tears and I sigh heavily, grabbing the empty tray and heading out, not caring that she was crying once again. It's been...one day and so far she's cried harder than I ever have my entire life and sat there and done absolutely nothing...what else can she do anyways?

I lock the door behind me and sit on the couch, watching her through the window. She sits there clutching her stomach as tears continued to spill from her eyes. If I was a normal human I would feel some sort of emotions for her and yet...I didn't. I simply watched her and felt this warm fuzzy feeling traveling through my body...maybe... satisfaction?

"Hey" Travis comes down the stairs, holding his mask his hand. He hadn't said much after he took her to the shower and I didn't ask questions, whatever happened wasn't my business... necessarily.

"Hey" I nod and keep my eyes on cara.

"She eat?" He plops down on the couch next to me and I shake my head, crossing my arms.

"Nothing, she's just been crying all night and just bursted into tears" I shrug and feel myself smile, knowing I was the cause of at least some destruction.

"That is what happens during a period, apparently women are hella emotional and shit" he says and I turn towards him, raising my eyebrows at him.

"What I read about it" he laughs and I shake my head, laughing as well. My brother was so dumb and yet his information came in handy..

"Do we really need to wear these masks? If we're not letting her go then why do we wear these?" He asks me and I think carefully, nodding at his words.

"I..guess not I wanted to keep our identities a secret but...fuck it" I shrug, taking off the mask I was wearing and tossing it to the side, laying back and breathing in the less stuffy air.

He sets his mask down and turns towards cara, a weird look in his eyes. I could tell he felt sorry for her...but deep down he probably didn't care she was there, I know I didn't.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now