Chapter 13: Hastinapur

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The Kingdom of Hastinapur was eagerly anticipating the entry of the kingdom's most eligible no-longer-a-bachelor dear Prince Arjun, along with his newly wedded wife, Kurkul's new Kulvadhu, Kumari Panchali. It was a rejoicement in the entire city, everybody were celebrating the day as grand as a festival. The whole city was decorated in red, the color of love.

Mother Kunti had initially wanted to give her son an earful for marrying without telling her, and stay upset until he cajoled her like he used to when she would be upset with him for delving deeper into the forest back in his childhood. But then the thought of her daughter-in-law coming along with him brought a distinct softness in her, uniquely associated with motherhood.

The four Pandava brothers were finally relieved that their beloved brother Arjun had chosen to marry a girl of his choice and not his first love, Gandiva. Specifically, the elder Madreya Nakul had already started to dream of himself getting married, for he was next in the line after his elder brother, and he in turn got teased by his younger twin for it.

In the main hall of Hastinapur, Mother Kunti stood there, lost in thoughts.

"Matashree, what is the celebration all about? The entire Hastinapur seems oddly much more beautiful." Valandhara disturbed the thoughts of Pritha, she had returned from her maternal house just that morning and it seemed as if she had missed something very important.

Mother Kunti gave a small smile to her daughter-in-law.

Just as she was about to answer, Madreya Sahadev intervened to call his mother, his excitement visible in his face.

"Mata, I just got the news, they have crossed the borders of Hastinapur a while ago. They might arrive anytime by now. Taatshree is seeking your presence to welcome Bhrata."

Pritha nodded solemnly, devoid of any expressions, while she was secretly eager to see the face of her son's wife.

"So all these are for the return of Phalgun, Matashree? But he hasn't been away for long!"

Kunti snapped towards her.

"You don't know?" She asked.

"What, Matashree? Is somebody coming along with him? Devika Jiji too told me nothing. She was just telling me today is a very special day." She asked with a small smile.

"Mata, seems like they have arrived. Aren't you coming to receive them?" Sahadev urged.

"Come with me, Dhara... You could see her for yourself."

Saying so, Mother Kunti walked towards the entrance with a quickened pace.

As she reached the gates of the Palace before the couple reached there, a small smile spread of Mother Kunti's lips. Everything was perfectly set to welcome her new daughter-in-law.

The Kuru Family had assembled at the gates of Hastinapur Palace to witness the Griha Pravesh of the new Kulvadhu, a new member in their family.

The sound of drumbeats and praises of the poets were audible everywhere. It all seemed dull to Mother Kunti. She didn't get the opportunity to organize her son's wedding. Now, here she is organizing everything to welcome her daughter-in-law and the preparations don't feel satisfactory enough. Nevertheless, she maintained a smile, she was excited to see her son and her daughter-in-law and nothing mattered more.

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