Chapter 5: The Encounter

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The serene night in Panchal gave way to a beautiful day. Arjun wandered through the busy streets of Kampilya, captivated by the unfamiliar charm of Panchal's capital. The winds through the city made him feel an unusual tranquility in the air. He continued exploring, the serendipity of the moment guiding his steps towards the Kampilya Temple.

He had dismissed the sentry guards and ministers back to Hastinapur, as for some reasons, he felt a divine energy calling him to explore Kampilya.

Draupadi, still within the fortress of the temple, felt an unexplainable warmth in her heart. Her silent prayers echoed through the sacred space. Little did she know that destiny was planning an encounter that would alter the course of both their lives.

This temple held so much peace that she didn't have the heart to step out at all. But the primary reason was that, she internally felt she was here for a purpose, and the purpose isn't over yet, as if something is supposed to happen here.

She had taken bath in the temple pond in early morning, and she couldn't deny the fact that divinity indeed gave peace. But she could also not forget how no divine force was ever with her when needed.

It was a fresh day, and the temple was already crowded with countless devotees seeking refuge in the peace the temple offered.

Draupadi saw the people mirthlessly. Countless people like herself, running away from themselves, find solace in the atmosphere of nothingness this temple provides.

"For God's sake, it is you who married thrice even when your first wife, I, am alive. If someone has the rights to make accusations of infidelity, it is me! Do you understand!" The shrill cry of a lady caught her attention.

Draupadi looked around at the direction of the voice, and it seemed like a couple where fighting over something.

She shook her head, wondering why people bringh family fights to temple. It is supposed to be a place of devotion, not of commotion.

"In front of God I am telling this, mark my words, you are such a lowly person that one day even you would hate yourself." The lady continued lamenting.

"Of course, as if you are the epitome of purity!" The man's words dripped with sarcasm.

A passerby brahmin, seemingly disturbed from prayer by their argument, interrupted politely.

"Forgive me for interrupting, but this temple is supposed to be a place for serenity, peace and devotion. Could you not find a better place to sort out your differences?"

For a moment, Draupadi felt the brahmin told the exact words from her heart.

"They say God knows and witnesses everything. Let him witness my struggles and problems too. Let him be a witness to the ill-treatment I face. Let him be the Judge." The lady said, shedding tears and sobbing.

Her eyes lingered on the crying lady, and her face softened.

"Wow, they also say husband is equal to God. You don't respect me and you think that God would accept it."

This man was really manufactured with some default by BrahmaDev, thought Draupadi. But her temper suddenly flared up beyond limits when he raised his hands in air to physically harm the lady, protective instincts for the unknown lady automatically took over her.


As Arjun approached the temple, he noticed the divine aura that surrounded it. The atmosphere was charged with an energy that he couldn't quite comprehend. It was as if every energy in the universe was combinedly pulling him there.

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