Chapter 10 : Negotiations

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The questioning look and sheer despise in Arjun's eyes and Panchali could swear she felt she had done the worst sin one could ever do.

"What was that?" He wasted no time in getting straight to the point. "You think you have the authority to take my life decisions on my behalf!"

"Once we are married, I would have that authority."

She looked into the oblivion, avoiding meeting his eyes at any cost.

"It won't happen. I don't know what has suddenly changed in you, Panchali."

"You are talking as if you know me since centuries."

Her words and eyes lacked emotions, her face, expressions.

"Exactly! Neither do I know you, nor do you know me! If you just say this is due to the situation we are stuck in, it is no big deal to teach them all a lesson and leave from here-"

"You are the one who got us stuck in this situation."

She didn't know where she chose the wrong words, but he looked hurt.

"Did I? Was it my mistake that I chose to come here to help a random stranger for no reason?" He yelled.

"I didn't need any help." She was true, fire wouldn't cause her any harm. "I didn't call for you."

"Of course!" Frustration was evident in his tone. "How could I have possibly considered you for a noble lady?"

"Perhaps destiny had sought a noble lady to be your wife." She still avoided looking at him.

"Then it would definitely not be you. You can't blame me for this situation."

"I am not. I am just telling you the best course of action at this moment."

He looked at her in complete disbelief.

"Trust me, marrying me wouldn't be that worse."

"I would choose anything than that. Why are you hell-bent on marrying me now?"

"The question is on my honour. Aren't you responsible for it when someone is accusing us of..." She paused, not getting the right words.

"Is that the only thing troubling you? If so, their words matter nothing!"

"To you. You chose to stay back with me in the temple throughout the night. I didn't ask you to. You... are responsible for my honour."

He could have justified with her situation and her reason had it not been for his own situation.

He looked at her and inhaled softly in an attempt to lower his tone.

"I love someone..."

Now why was she feeling bad, she herself couldn't explain. It was as if something snapped within her. She felt herself burning.

"Who... who is it?" She hoped her voice didn't sound broken.

"Subhi... DwarakaRatna YadavKumari Subhadra."

A spark of glistening passed through her amber eyes before she concealed with the span of just a second.

"I hope she wouldn't choose to immolate herself if her honour is at question," Her words confused him for a split second. "Because I would. If you marrying me will be the only way to shield my honour and spare me from societal judgements, then so be it."

"I may not know you much, but you don't seem like someone who cares for societal judgements. People speak because that's all they can do."

"And honour? What about my purity and honour which is at question?"

"Doesn't this situation sound utterly absurd and foolish to you? And do you think you marrying a stranger whom you barely know is very honourable for you at this moment?"

"If it's the Prince Arjun, maybe yes."

"I don't understand what's wrong with you!"

"Don't try, Prince. I've been trying to understand it since long."

The tension between Arjun and Panchali thickened as their words echoed in the silent surroundings.

Arjun's frustration collided with Panchali's resolve, and his attempts to understand her motives met with resistance, leaving both of them entangled in conflicting emotions.

"You're seriously willing to spend your life with a complete stranger for a situation that's nothing more than a farce?" Arjun's exasperation resonated in his words.

"You may see it as a farce, but my honor is at stake." Panchali responded, her tone unwavering.

Honour... This word began to irritate Arjun.

"There has to be another way. Marrying out of compulsion isn't the solution."

"If it ensures that we're spared from judgment and our honor remains intact, then it is a solution." She asserted.

He looked at her for a second, and though she wasn't looking at him, she could tell something did click in his mind.

"Fine, let's get married."

She snapped towards him, her eyes finally meeting his. His hazel eyes mirrored hers, distant, emotionless.

"But on a few conditions..." Expected from him, she sighed.

The atmosphere felt heavy as Arjun's unexpected agreement left Panchali both surprised and wary.

"And what are those conditions?" she inquired, her guarded gaze fixed on him.

Arjun's eyes bore into hers, and his expressions were unreadable.

"Firstly, we keep the truth about this situation between us. No unnecessary explanations to anyone."

Panchali didn't hesitate before nodding in agreement. The secret pact forged between them added another layer of complexity to their connection.

"Secondly, you would get everything my wife is supposed to get rightfully, status, respect, honour, everything. But not love. Of course, you would already know that. Don't expect love, or any rights on me."

Panchali needed a few seconds to analize this condition, before giving a hesitant nod. Arjun's gaze softened slightly, revealing a hint of understanding.

"Thirdly, this marriage will be respected as a sacred bond between us, but this is not an acceptance of any authority over each other's lives. We'll live as strangers bound by an unusual circumstance. Nothing more."

His words echoed in the stillness of the temple.

"Agreed..." she responded, her tone steady.

Arjun still couldn't believe that his marriage, one that his entire family, including himself, had so many dreams and plans for, is being negotiated as if it is a political deal.

"Are you planning for your entire future life together right at this moment?" The Tribal King's voice cut through any silent understanding that began to form between them.

Panchali rolled his eyes at the old man's time of intervention and Arjun sighed, this is going to be a very important day indeed.

They say to take seven sacred vows of marriage and seven steps together means to promise to be with each other for seven lives. Time would reveal how Arjun and Draupadi would make it throught atleast one life.

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