Chapter 9: Getting to Know You

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Stefan's POV
I just woke up from the sunlight shining in my eyes and I see someone in front of the window, looking out of it. I smile when I see it's Freya. I smile brighter remembering last night. I get out of bed and put my pants on and speed behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

I notice she jumped in fright. When she realizes it's me, she laughs and hits my arm. I also notice her only wearing her underwear and my shirt and may I say, she looks very hot in it.

I whisper in her ear "You look really sexy in my shirt." She smiles and says while turning around in my arms, facing me "Thank you and you look really sexy shirtless." We laugh together and I say "Thank you!" She says "Yep." We laugh again and I look at the time and see its 11:00 am.

I groan "I'm sorry Freya, I really should get home because my brothers' and sister are there, probably wondering where I am. But please, come over later. I want Greg and Gabby to get to know you. Well, I know you and Gabby already know each other, but still Greg wants to know you. I think it'll be fun. I'll even cook an amazing dinner. Like I told you, I'm quite the cook. So, what do you say? Are you in? I promise, you'll love it."

Freya smiles and says "Sure. I would love to Stefan, of course." I smile brightly and give her a kiss and say "I should go. Can I have my shirt back?" She smiles and takes it off and gives it to me.

Freya puts her pants on and shirt and I can't help but watch her do it. She smiles at me and playfully rolls her eyes then takes my hand and drags me downstairs. She smiles and jokes, while pushing me out the door "Hey mister, you need to go home and cook a wonderful feast. Remember?" She gives me a kiss then pushes me out the door.

Freya says, before she closes the door "See you later." I yell through the door "Be there by 7 o'clock." I smile to myself then go home. I hear my siblings and Jay talking. I know what to expect when I walk into that house. I say to myself "Here we go."

I walk in and everyone's attention is on me. Jay teases "So, where have you been all night?" Before I can answer, Greg teases "Obviously, he was having a private moment with Freya all night." Everybody laughs including Gabby.

I say "Yeah, yeah, okay, enough! Listen up. Freya is coming over for dinner. So, when she comes, I want you all to be nice to her, okay?" Everyone except Gabriella says "Cool!" I give Gabriella a stern look and she says "Okay! Okay! I promise, I'll be nice."

I smile and say "Thank you." Gabriella says "You're welcome. So, what are you cooking?" Everyone looks at me attentively and I smile and say "My famous dish: Lemon, Parmesan & pine nut crumbed pork escalopes and Smoked salmon carbonara." I see them all look excited and Greg says "Man, you haven't made that for us in ages."

I shrug my shoulders and Jay says "Well, he made it for me once and boy it was delicious." We all laugh and I say "Thanks Jay." He gives me a thumbs up.

I say "Okay, I better get started with the food, then get ready. I will make tonight perfect." They all smile at me then head upstairs as I do the same, to get ready.

8 Hours Later ~ Dinner

I look at the time and see it's seven. I smile to myself. I yell up to everyone "You guys, come on. She should be on her way!" And they yell back down "Okay! Okay!" I hear the doorbell and smile to myself. I go open the door and see Freya in front of me. She looks so beautiful.

I say "Come on in." I get out of her way so she can walk in. Freya smiles and says "Thank you." I say "You're welcome!" We smile at each other and stare into each other's eyes and get lost in them until we hear someone clear their throat.

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