Chapter 18: Back In Mystic Falls

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Damon's POV
"How in the hell are you two alive?" I ask Anna and Pearl. Pearl says in sarcasm "Well, nice to see you too, Damon." Klaus asks in confusion "What the hell is going on? Who are they?" Elena states in frustration "The real question is, what the hell are you guys doing here?"

Katherine answers in boredom "Looking for Gabby and Kol..." she turns to Pearl "Hello Pearl, nice to see you again." Pearl says, feigning kindness "Oh Katherine, I wish I could say the same." Katherine says, feigning being hurt "Ouch!"

Elijah asks in curiosity "Katerina, you know her?" Katherine says "Yeah, we go way back. Not to be rude Pearl and Anna, but aren't you two supposed to be dead? John Gilbert killed you." Anna says "We know, we will explain everything, but Damon please, you have got to hold off your trip to Portland for a while."

I spat "Like hell I will. Gabby is missing and I need to make sure she's there. It's a family emergency, so your story will have to wait till I get back." I see everyone except Matt, Sarah, and Caroline come into the living room. They ask "What's going on?" Tyler says "We got Elena's text. What's up?"

They see Anna and Pearl and gasp and widen their eyes except Liv, Jo, and Kai. Pearl says "I know, we are explaining that now and Damon? This is a family emergency, it's Stefan." I see everyone show worried expressions, just like me except— of course, Liv, Jo, and Kai.

I ask "What about Stefan?" Pearl asks "Is everyone you know here? Because it's a long story and I'm only going to explain this once." Before I can say anything, Caroline, Sarah, and Matt run in asking "What the hell is going on?" Caroline and Matt see Anna and go into shock and Sarah looks confused.

Matt and Caroline ask at the same time "How?" And I say "That's what she is going to explain and in that explanation, she's also going to explain how Stefan is in trouble." All three of them start to worry and ask "What?!"

Pearl states "Everyone should take a seat for this. Are you staying or going?" She asks Katherine. Katherine says, worried for Stefan as well "I'm staying." Elijah says while putting his arm around Katherine's waist "So are we." I guess they're together.

Pearl says "Okay, let's begin." Everyone walks fully into the living room and sits down. We wait for Anna and Pearl to explain. Anna says "My mom and I were resurrected by two powerful witches. They are working together. They were able to use their magic in death and come back to life. One of them looks a lot like Stefan. He goes by the name of Silas."

We all start to really worry and I ask "What does this have to do with Stefan?" And Pearl says "It involves him because Silas and his partner are planning an army against him and his wife." We all go into shock hearing that and Bonnie exclaims "WHAT!?"

Jeremy asks "Did you just say "wife"? As in Stefan's?" And Katherine says in genuineness "Oh my God, wow! Stefan is married? Good for him." Pearl asks, confused "Wait, none of you knew Stefan was married?" Everyone except Matt, Sarah, and Caroline exclaim "NO!"

Pearl asks "Why don't you-?" Anna interrupts her, smirking "Oh, I see! Look mom." She looks at what Anna is looking at, which is me and Elena. Anna says "Last time we were here, Elena was holding onto Stefan's arm. Now, it looks like she has switched brothers, just like Katherine did."

Katherine says, annoyed "Oh wow! You just had to bring me into it, didn't you?" Elena says "Yeah and I'm nothing like how Katherine is." Anna says, sarcastically while rolling her eyes "Sure you're not."

Pearl says, sternly "Annabelle, we're getting off topic. The point is, Stefan is in danger and his wife. Silas and his partner, Dahlia are planning an army against them." Dahlia? Who the hell is Dahlia?

I look at the New Orleans crew and I see them look worried. I guess they know who Dahlia is. Klaus asks in fear "Did Dahlia by any chance mention us?" And Anna answers "No. It's not you she is after." They sigh of relief.

Pearl says "Just like Silas is after Stefan, it's Stefan's wife Dahlia is after." The New Orleans crew look at each other in wonder. Rebekah asks "What is Stefan's wife's name?" Anna says "Um, let me think, it was a little ancient. Ummm, Freya? Yeah that's the name of Stefan's wife. Freya."

I see them widen their eyes and they all stand up, gaping in shock. I ask "What?" And Liv asks "Do you know this, Freya?" And Elijah answers "Yes. She's our sister." I go into complete shock along with everyone else.

The only people I notice that are not shocked is Caroline, Matt, and Sarah. I wonder why they're not. I say "Hey! You three! Do you know something about this? Because you're not shocked like the rest of us. Why is that?"

Everyone puts their attention on them and I see them look nervous. Caroline stammers in nervousness "No! No, we- we don't know anything. Why would we know anything? We don't know anything." I state in annoyance "Caroline, you babble when you lie."

All three of them look nervous and Sarah gives in and says "Yes, we knew. He married her five years ago." I ask, hurt "And he didn't want us there?" And Matt says "Sorry man." Bonnie says in realization "Wait! So, that's where you guys went 5 years ago?" They say together "Yep!"

Liv asks "Wait a minute, that wedding tape I found on your desk, Sarah, was Stefan and Freya's?" They say together "Yep." Before I can say anything, Nadia asks "Wait, Gabby and Kol were there?" And Caroline answers "Yeah."

Nadia says "Well, maybe they are in Portland, Oregon after all, with Stefan and Freya. Now we definitely have to go there." I ask "Are you sure?" And Caroline says "Yeah, it's true."

I say "Okay, everyone pack up. We're heading to Portland, Oregon." Matt, Sarah, and Caroline say "Already packed." We look at them in confusion. Sarah says "We were going to go back today because, well-" she stops and looks at me with a pity look.

Caroline says "Stefan's best friend's birthday is coming up." I look at them in confusion. Elena asks "Best friend?" Matt replies "Yeah, Jason! He took Stefan in when he was trying to find his way around Portland. They're like brothers."

Sarah and Caroline glare at him and hiss "You didn't have to tell him that part." I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, hearing them say that Stefan thinks of someone else as his brother.

Pearl notices and says "Okay, you guys know where they are, let's go over there and warn them." Elijah says "Okay, we have a private jet all ready. Everyone meet us at our mansion when you are packed and ready to go."

The New Orleans gang leave and everyone goes home to get packed up and I go upstairs to pack. I'm smiling to myself, happy that I'm going to see my siblings again. What I'm worried about is, Will they be happy to see me?

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