Chapter 16: Twins!?

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Stefan's POV
Oh. My. God. Did Amelia just say me and Freya are having twins? I get pulled out of my thoughts by Freya screaming "Ahhhhhh! Get it out already! Stefan take Andrew." She hands Andrew to me and I take him.

I coo "Hey, little man. I'm going to go lay you down in your crib, okay?" I turn to Freya and say "I'll be right back. I'm going to put him down in his crib. Looks like they're sharing a crib." Freya screams "Hurry back!" I nod my head and take Andrew up to his room.

I look at the time and it's 8:15 pm so he was born at 8:13 pm. What interrupts me out of my thoughts is everyone running into the room. When they see Andrew, they stop and look at him.

The girls start arguing over who gets to hold him. Gabby yells "I'm the aunt!" And I say "You guys, it's not over yet." They ask in confusion "What?!" And I say "Apparently, we're having twins." They are all in shock and they ask "TWINS?!" I nod my head.

Savannah asks "Well, what's the gender?" And I say "Don't know yet. I need to get back down there. Watch Andrew and so help me God, don't! Break! Him!" I run back downstairs and Freya is still screaming.

I go to her and hold her hand and she screams "Ahhh! Where's Andrew?!" I say "Upstairs. He's safe. Everyone is watching him." She says "Okay, ahhhhhhhh!" And I ask "How far away is the baby?"

Amelia says "It's close. I can see the head. She or he is coming. Freya? I need you to push for me." Freya pushes and while she does that she is crushing my hand. Luckily after this I will heal right up.

Amelia says "Come on Freya, one more big push." Freya does that and a minute later, we hear a baby cry. Amelia says "Congratulations. You have a beautiful baby daughter." Freya and I look at each other and say "Emma!" We look back at our beautiful baby girl.

After Amelia cuts the cord, she does the same thing she did with Andrew, with Emma. As Emma lays on Freya's chest, she stops crying enjoying her mother's warmth. Freya smiles at Emma and caresses her head with her point finger, like she did with Andrew. I smile at my two lovely girls.

Amelia picks up Emma and goes to clean her up. She wraps her in a pink blanket and gives her to me. I hold her and look at her and she has her mother's beautiful eyes and I caress her cheek softly.

I look at the time and my baby girl was born at 8:19 pm. Six minutes after her brother was born. I say to Emma "Okay, I'm going to hand you to mommy now, okay?" I kiss her cheek and hand her to Freya.

Freya is crying tears of joy like me and I just stand here looking at my two beautiful girls. I see everyone come downstairs and Kol has a sleeping Andrew in his arms. I ask "Did you all get a chance to hold him?" They whisper "Yes!"

Caroline asks, excited "Okay, where is the other one?" And I say "She is right here." I see them look towards Freya and Emma and smile. Freya hands Emma over to Greg and when he has her in his grasp, he looks at her and says "She has her mother's eyes."

I say while smiling at Freya "She sure does." She smiles back at me and I see her fall asleep and I smile at her. I walk over to her and kiss her forehead. I carry her upstairs and put her in our bed.

I walk downstairs and see everyone is taking turns holding Emma and Andrew is now being held by Caroline. I ask "Caroline? Can I have Andrew?" She smiles at me and says "Of course, Stefan. He's your son. You don't have to ask." I hold him and I look at him and smile. I see he has my eyes, both him and Emma have me and Freya's eye color, green.

Two Hours Later

Everyone has held both Andrew and Emma and has played with them, but it's getting late. I say "Okay everyone, it's getting late. Time to put them to bed." They all groan in disappointment.

I say "Oh hush, they will still be here tomorrow." I see Freya coming down the stairs and she walks over to me and gives me a kiss and I kiss her back and we pull away. She says "He's right. Time for them to go to bed." She takes Andrew from Sarah and I take Emma from Kol.

We go put them in their crib and watch them fall asleep. We smile at them and Freya whispers in awe "They are perfect." I whisper in awe "They sure are. Come on, let's let them sleep." She nods her head and we leave their room and close the door and go downstairs to the others.

We see them all run outside and we are not far behind them. We see fireworks sparking everywhere. I ask "Can you believe it? Our children born on the 4th of July. This should be fun, huh?"

She laughs with me and everyone watches the fireworks. Even Amelia is still here and she got a chance to hold the twins. I also notice Amelia and Jay exchanging quick glances at one another. This is going to be a interesting year. I hold Freya close to me and she kisses me and I kiss her back.

We pull away when we hear everyone blowing horns and screaming "HAPPY 4TH OF JULY." We smile at them and laugh a little and I'm just hoping all this screaming and fireworks doesn't wake the twins up.

Two Weeks Later

It has been two weeks since the twins have been born and me and Freya have been doing great taking care of them. Also, today is the day everyone leaves again except Greg, Jasmine, Gabby, and Kol. They are staying, to be here for their niece and nephew.

Before the others leave, they come over to say goodbye to us and the twins. Caroline says "Oh, bye you two. Behave. And Emma? Don't let your father stop you from meeting a cute guy." I give Caroline a warning look and say "Caroline."

Care says "Oh hush up! It's going to happen, whether you like it or not." Just the thought of some boy touching my baby girl makes me angry. Freya says "Oh, Stefan, calm down."

I say "Caroline, you don't have to worry about Emma dating a guy because my baby girl won't be dating. Ever." Kol comes out of nowhere and says "I will drink to that. Any boy that wants to put the moves on my little niece, will not only have to go through Stefan, but me too."

All the girls roll their eyes and Sarah says "Okay, bye you two. And Emma? As crazy as your uncle and dad is, good luck to you and your future fella." I glare at her along with Kol. We go outside with Emma in Freya's arms and Andrew in mine.

We say goodbye to everyone and before they drive off, they say that they will come back and visit as soon as they can. I look at my little babies and smile. I say to Emma "Emma, don't listen to your crazy Godmother or cousin. You are never allowed to date, okay?"

Emma coos and giggles and I smile at her more. Freya says walking back to the house "Emma, don't listen to your crazy father or uncle, when you grow up, you can date whoever you want." Emma squeals, as Kol and I say "Oh no she can not!"

Gabby and Freya roll their eyes at us and go inside along with Greg and Jasmine and with us behind them. But I stop and look towards Jay's apartment across the street and I see him and Amelia kiss.

They started dating 9 days ago. I'm happy that he has found someone. I look at Andrew and I say "Looks like your Godfather is back in the game." I look at Jay and I see him and Amelia get into his car and drive off somewhere. I smile and walk into the house.

Mystery Person's POV
Well, would you look at that... Twins. This is going to be fun. I ask my partner "When do we get started?" And she says "If we are going to get them properly, then it will take time." I ask "How much time?" And she says "Probably a lot of time." I exclaim "Damn it!"

She says "At least, we will get our revenge. It may take long, but believe me, with our plan, we will hit them hard. Those two don't know what they have coming to them." I say while smiling evilly "Good. And their children? What do we do about them?" She says "Keep them to our use. Take advantage of their power and use it for our gain."

I say "Sounds like a perfect idea. Kill the parents, then take the children for our own advantage." She says "Exactly! Let's go, Silas. We have a lot of work to do." I say "Indeed we do, Dahlia. Let's go."

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