Chapter 31: Starting Over

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Stefan's POV
I am pulling up into me and Freya's garage, and when I park, we get out of the car and run inside. The others will be here soon, they just had to take care of Vaughn and Alexander. The others that were helping us went home, after we told them a million times thank you.

When we get inside, we see Andy and Emmy playing together along with Hope, Mariana, Isaiah, and Jesse. I see both my mother's playing with them as well. Andrew and Emma see us, and they run over to us.

I pick up Andrew while Freya picks up Emma. I ask "Are you guys okay?" They nod their heads and I say to Andy while walking over to sit on the couch "Now Andy, tell us what happened while you were gone."

I hear the door open and I see the Mystic Falls gang, The New Orleans gang, Greg, Gabby, Kol, Jasmine, Amy, and Jay run into the same room we're in. Gabby's friends, Aunt Dawn, Uncle Tim, Alston, Aiden, Vicky, Mason, Isobel, Jenna, Henrik, Ansel, Gregor, Pearl, and Anna must have went somewhere else for a while.

They all run to Emma and Andrew, and they all hug them one by one. Andrew asks in curiosity "Who are most of you?" Freya says "We'll explain that later sweetie. Please tell us what happened."

Andrew says "Okay mama. I remember the party, and Silas and Dahlia attacked us. Then I remember everything going black. When I woke up, I was in a dark room. I couldn't see anything. I was scared and I screamed for you, mommy, and Emmy. I screamed for all of you."

Flashback ~ Andrew's POV

I screamed "Daddy! Mama! Emmy! Aunt Jasmine! Uncle Greg! Uncle Kol! Aunt Gabby! Aunt Amy! God dad! God mom! Matt! Sarah!" Then I saw a man come in, and he brought in food for me and turned on the light.

It was a little lamp and it was still a little bit dark. When he put my food down and turned on the light, he turned to leave. I saw Silas and Dahlia come in and I asked "Who are you? I know you're not my daddy."

Silas laughs and says "You got that right kid. My name is, Silas." And she says "My name is, Dahlia." I say "I want my mommy and daddy!" And Silas sneers "Too bad. Now go to sleep." They both walk out and leave me there, and I do as they say and lay down.
End of Flashback

Stefan's POV
Andrew continues "For the past five days I was stuck in that room alone. They still fed me and checked on me, but still left me in that room. They finally let me out when Silas and Dahlia and the others were going to meet you. The two people that were watching me was saying some mean stuff about you, mommy, and Emmy. I did something, but I don't know what I did or how."

Freya says while rubbing his back "It's okay sweetie, tell us." Andy continues "Well, I got mad and they were laughing at me. Then I heard them stop and they started coughing up blood and blood came out of their eyes. I don't know if I did it or not. Or if I did, how? I didn't mean to hurt them." He said that last part sadly.

I reassure him "Hey buddy, it's okay. You did what you had to do, don't be sad." He asks "But how did I do it?" Freya and I look at each other. Freya says "You will find out soon enough buddy, but right now, let's celebrate you being home." He smiles widely and Emmy asks, hopefully "Can we have an all-day-family-movie-day, like we usually do?"

Freya and I look at each other and smile. I answer "Sure. Go pick out the movies you want." They both say at the same time "Yay!" Hayley asks "What's an all-day-family-movie-day?" Isaiah answers "It's when we watch family-funny-movies all day and eat popcorn and candy."

Klaus says "Sounds fun." Elijah and Damon ask at the same time "You wouldn't mind if we join you, would you?" Freya and I look at each other and smile. We say at the same time "No, you can all join us." Everyone starts to smile especially the kids.

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