Move In Day

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Amy's pov

"What do you even see in this guy anyway?" Alex grumbles, as he helps me pack the last of the boxes into our car that we didn't want the movers taking in their truck.

My reply is simply an exasperated sigh as I wipe the sweat from my brow. It's been so long since I've had to move that I forgot what a pain in the ass it is to pack up your entire life and your kids and transport them to a neighboring town. I'm both emotionally and physically exhausted and in no mood to deal with my cranky teenage son.

"No seriously, Mom, what is it?" He continues to badger me and test my last shred of patience as I slam the trunk closed.

"Alex, please," I say tiredly, getting behind the wheel, ready to leave my old apartment and broken dreams behind me. Dean is my future, our future. A chance for a better life for me and my kids. A fresh start.

"It can't be for his money, cuz he's only a sheriff's deputy and they don't make shit," Alex crudely states, as he slides into the front passenger seat next to me.


"What?" he asks, completely unconcerned by my raised voice and disapproving glare.

"Shit, shit, shit," I hear Drew singing softly from the backseat, as he happily kicks his little legs to and fro.

"Are you happy now?" I angrily question my oldest. "Now you've got Drew repeating your vulgar curse words."

"Vulgar curse words," Alex scoffs. "I've heard you say worse in church."

I sigh again and shake my head as I start the car. I can't even deny his accusation because it's not entirely untrue, although a tad exaggerated.

"That doesn't give you the right to talk that way, Alex. I'm the adult here and you're still a child, my child, and I don't want you speaking that way and I certainly don't want you encouraging your little brother to swear."

"Whatever, Mom," he replies dismissively, rolling his eyes before gluing them back to his phone screen.

"Drew sweetie, that's a bad word and I don't want to hear you say that again. Understand?" I lock eyes with my little man via the rearview mirror, hoping he accepts my request at face value, without argument or further explanation.

"Whyyyy? Alex said it," he whines in response.

Dare to dream, I thought to myself. I should know better by now. Nothing in my life is ever easy and it never has been. Why should getting my kids to listen be any different?

"Yes, and I told Alex not to say it too, so please just do as I ask."

"Hmmppff," I hear him grump, as he slouches down in his car seat, pouting and scrunching up his little face in an adorable display of attempted protest to my directive.

"He's only average looking at best, so it can't be that," Alex proffers his next theory as to why I'm with Dean, speaking more to himself than me.

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. Good Lord, this kid is a piece of work.

"I happen to think Dean is extremely attractive," I reply in an upbeat tone, smiling brightly, knowing how much my response will irritate my annoyingly persistent teenage son.

"Right," he scoffs, confirming my theory. "We both know that ain't true. Get serious, Mom."

"Get serious, Mom. Shit, shit, shit," Drew parrots his two cents happily from the peanut gallery.

I smile in spite of myself. God bless 'em, they're a handful but they're definitely my kids. There's no denying it. I just hope Dean knows what he signed up for by inviting us to move in. No, on second thought, it's probably best if he doesn't. The longer he remains clueless, the better.

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