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Dean's pov

Extending my shitty night into the morning, I was having a helluva time at work. Nothing was going smoothly and every call was taking twice as long as it should have. As soon as I returned to the station, I knew I was in trouble. Becky gave me such a sad sympathetic look when her eyes met mine, it could only mean one thing. I'm on Crowley's shit list too.

"Deputy Winchester, Sheriff Crowley would like to speak with you in his office immediately," she stated, quite professionally.

Fuck! Now I know it's bad, really bad, otherwise she would have called me Dean.

I knocked on my boss's door while exhaling forcefully, trying to calm my nerves. Getting called into the sheriff's office is never a good sign.

"Entre," he called out pretentiously.

Well, here goes nothing I thought, saying a silent prayer before turning the knob and crossing the threshold into Hell.

"Uh, you wanted to speak to me, sir?" I asked, the hesitation in my voice sounding way more timid than I would have liked.

"Sit down, deputy," he replied stoically, gesturing to the chair opposite his desk.

I parked my ass on the hard wooden seat and impatiently waited for him to bring the true purpose of this meeting to light.

"Does the name Shurley ring any bells, deputy?" Crowley leaned back in his reclining chair, a smug smile briefly gracing his lips upon seeing the flash of comprehension cross my face.

"Um, no sir. Should it?" I stammered my reply, trying to stall for time as I was caught completely off guard by his query. I never would've guessed he knew about me pulling that asshole over last week on a not-so-routine traffic stop. As a rule of thumb in law enforcement, we all try to keep the vigilante justice down to a minimum, but it is unavoidable to some extent.

Chuck Shurley is... Well, he's an asshole, to put it simply. He has way too much influence in this town and consequently, a major God complex too. I can't stomach the man, not even in small doses, so that's why I pulled him over Thursday. I claimed there was an anonymous call regarding a vehicle matching the description driving erratically, weaving in and out of lanes, speeding down the highway.

Truth is, Chuck made a pass at my woman. Amy wasn't the one to tell me about though. I heard it through the grapevine, so to speak. One of Amy's colleagues at the courthouse told me how the sleaze cornered her outside the courtroom, getting way too close as he propositioned her. Okay, maybe I'm embellishing the story a little bit but he needs to know my woman is off limits.

"Well, then let me refresh your memory, deputy," Crowley said in an annoyed tone, as he yanked a piece of paper out of the folder lying atop his desk. A copy of the complaint Chuck made against me, no doubt.

Crowley confirmed my fears as he read the accusations against me, word by excruciating word. I zoned out after the first two sentences so it took me a minute to realize he was done reading the complaint and had resumed lecturing me. That prick Chuck had it comin' so I was currently feeling far from repentant. I guess my boss had a different opinion though. Slamming his hands down on his desk, he now had my undivided attention.

Waving the paper in my face, he shouted, "YOU KNOW WHAT THEY CALL THIS, DEPUTY?" Crowley didn't even pause to give me a chance to answer before he continued, "AN ABUSE OF POWER!" He gave me an extremely sharp look. "Do you think the citizens of this county want to be abused by law enforcement officers?"

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