Tea Party

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Sam's pov

As Dean and I were finishing up our beers, Katie skipped back into the kitchen, happily proclaiming, "I got the tea party all set-up, Uncle Sammy. Are you ready?" she asked, full of exuberance and energy as she tugged at my arm.

"Katie," Dean cautioned his overly excited daughter.

Switching the glass beer bottle to my non-dominant hand rather quickly so as not to drop it, I replied, "You bet I am, Jellybean. Let's get to it."

"You can't bring your beer to the tea party, Uncle Sammy," Katie politely informed me, as I stood up, allowing her to lead me.

"Oh, uh yeah, of course not," I replied somewhat reluctantly, as I really didn't want to give up my beer.

"I'll take care of that for you, little brother," Dean exclaimed, grabbing the bottle out of my hand and downing it quickly in one large gulp.

"Thanks," I replied, my voice heavy with sarcasm.

"No problem," my smart-ass older brother retorted, as his high-spirited daughter pulled me out the door.

When we got to Katie's room, she hurriedly directed me to sit in one of the little pink plastic chairs, set next to the square white table.

"I'll get your tea poured, Uncle Sammy. Here," she said, setting a blue Disney Beauty and the Beast plate in front of me that had two silver wrapped Hershey kisses in the center. "These are the crumpets you get to eat while I'm getting the tea ready."

I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute my little niece was as she put the finishing touches on our tea party. I'm so glad she doesn't feel too grown-up yet to play make-believe. I honestly wish she could stay this pure and innocent forever.

"And here's your hat, Uncle Sammy," she said, placing a wide brimmed woven straw hat complete with a blue flowered ribbon and large white bow atop my head. "I get the hat with the pink ribbon cuz I'm the hostess," she informed me, as she brought the teapot over and started pouring our pretend tea.

Not sure why the hostess gets the pink ribbon hat and the guest gets the blue one but I'm afraid I'll be thoroughly chastised if I ask, so I think I'll just roll with it.

"It's quite lovely, thank you, my lady," I replied in my awful attempt at a sophisticated British accent. I tipped my hat to Katie before bringing my teacup emblazoned with a delightful image of Lumiere to my lips as I pretended to take a sip.

"You're funny, Uncle Sammy," Katie giggled. "Oh wait, I forgot our jewelry," she said in a rushed tone, as she began rummaging through the top drawer of her dresser. "Here you go." She turned around and fastened a yellow beaded bracelet around my wrist before clipping two dangling silver colored earrings to my earlobes.

"Ouch," I yelped feigning injury, as she snapped the closure down tightly.

"Ooops, sorry, Uncle Sammy," she laughed at my overdramatic comical reaction, knowing I wasn't really hurt. Stepping back to admire her work in progress, me, she frowned slightly, wrinkling her forehead as she contemplated her next move. "Hmmm," she hummed, eyeing me closely. "Something is missing." She honestly looked adorable as she tapped her pointer finger on her lips, scrunching up her eyebrows, deep in thought.

"What, I don't look beautiful enough?" I questioned, hand to my chest as I faux gasped in shock.

"No, not yet," Katie replied, quite seriously. "You're pretty pasty looking. I think you need some makeup."

"Oh, Katie, I don't know about that," I quickly protested, seeing where this was going. "Won't your daddy get mad at you for playing with Amy's make-up?" I questioned in all seriousness, not wanting to see my niece get into trouble.

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