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Dean's pov

"Katie, why don't you take Drew to your room and Amy and I will be there in a few minutes to help you two get everything set up for tonight?" I tried to make my voice sound as upbeat as possible, without letting my daughter think I was actually making a suggestion. She should know damn well I'm giving her an order she better follow, without argument or complaint.

"Ugghhh, fine," she replied, rolling her eyes as she took hold of Drew's chubby little hand, dragging him behind her in the direction of their room.

I shook my head and sighed softly. Okay, maybe without complaint was too lofty of a goal, but at least she didn't argue. I'll count that as a small victory.

Taking my beautiful lady in my arms, I squeezed her ass and whispered in her ear, "I'm so glad you're here, baby. I've so been looking forward to sharing my bed with you tonight, from the second you agreed to move in with me."

I felt Amy relax slightly in my embrace. I could tell she was majorly stressed out over the move and the circumstances leading up to it too, I'm sure. I think we're all a bit tense right now. Hopefully tonight I can work my magic and give her some orgasmic release from all the pressure that's been building up since she got the eviction notice. My dick twitched, hearing Amy moan softly as I lowered my hand to reach between her thighs, rubbing her sweet spot over her leggings.

"Mom, which one of these tiny-ass rooms is supposed to be my bedroom?" Alex asked, as he yanked out one of his earbuds upon entering the living room, interrupting our PG-13 rated make-out session.

Amy immediately jumped back from me and adjusted the waistband of her pants, which I may have slid down below the curves of her sweet cheeks a minute ago to gain better access to the goods, during our way too brief playtime.

My jaw clenched hearing Alex speak so rudely. Amy of course chose to ignore his poor choice of words as she blushed in embarrassment at almost being caught in an incredibly compromising position. As far as I'm concerned, the kid better get used to me groping his mom because there's gonna be a lot of that goin' on here. It's unrealistic to expect me to keep my hands off his mom's sexy as Hell ass, afterall. I'm only human. No punk-ass kid is gonna keep me from feeling up my lady. I'm pretty sure it's my God given right. I'll have to double check with Sammy but I think it's somewhere in the Bible or the Constitution or something.

Alex scrunched up his face, seeing his mother's cheeks flush red while pulling away from me so quickly.

"Ew, gross! You guys are disgusting! I think I'm blind now."

I couldn't hide the smirk on my face, seeing how annoyed he was thanks to my affectionate gestures directed towards his mother. Deal with it kid, it ain't goin' away, I thought to myself smugly.

"Dean." Amy looked to me to answer her son's question regarding his bedroom.

There are only three bedrooms in the house but knowing how our public schools have failed us in this country, I decided to spell it out for him.

"It's the second door on the left."

Alex scoffed, "Great, I thought that was a closet."

Maybe it was a mistake giving him his own room. Amy and I decided it would be best not to have Katie move into the smaller bedroom, while making Alex and Drew move into her room to share. We figured as a teenager, he needed his privacy more than my seven-year-old daughter. I guess we were wrong if this is the thanks we're going to get for all our efforts.

"Alex, please don't make things difficult. Alright?" Amy replied, clearly weary and in no mood to fight. "We're all tired and I don't have the energy to do battle with you tonight over the sleeping arrangements. Ok?"

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