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Dean's pov

Seeing the kids, Alex looked both confused and worried.

"How did... Where were you?"

"I believe you're supposed to be watching them." I pushed past him to enter the house. Looking at my daughter, I said, "Get up to your room, little miss, and don't even think about setting foot outside of it til I get home to deal with you. Got it?"

Katie wiped the tears from her cheeks and nodded before running up the stairs.

"Do not let him out of your sight," I ordered Alex, pointing to Drew. Getting in Alex's face, I warned, "You and I are gonna have a talk when I get home." I glared at him, harnessing every bit of restraint I had in me to keep from throttling him. "Oh, and your mother is expecting your call now. If I were you, I wouldn't keep her waiting." I didn't give him a chance to respond before I slammed the door on my way out.

I struggled to get through the rest of my workday with all that was on my mind. How could my own daughter do something so stupid? And how the Hell could she justify dragging little Drew into her hairbrained scheme? She could've gotten him killed right along with her. Of all the idiotic, moronic, outlandish...

My thoughts were interrupted by dispatch calling me back to the station. My shift was nearly over. Eight more minutes by my count, but the sheriff wanted a word with me before I clocked out for the day. I do my best to stay on Sheriff Crowley's good side but sometimes it's just not in the cards. Apparently today was one of those days.

"You wanted to speak to me, Sheriff," I stated more than questioned, as I rapped lightly on his mostly open door.

"Close the door and take a seat, Deputy," he said, gesturing to the chair across from his desk.

I did as he asked, not wanting to aggravate him any further. It was obvious by his clipped tone, he was in a bad mood already.

"You want to tell me about the call you received for Mill's pond this afternoon?" He phrased it like a question but it most certainly wasn't.

"Oh, uh, that. Yeah, I um, took care of it, sir. It turned out to be noth..."

"Let me stop you right there, Winchester," he interjected, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Sir?" I questioned, unaware of just how much he knew about the call. He wasn't even here when it came in, afterall.

"Where's your report?" he asked curtly, gesturing to the stack of files on his desk.

"Oh, uh, I was going to finish it tomorrow morning, sir, and leave it on your desk of course before the end of the day." Shit! I should've known better than to try and cover this up.

"You will finish that report tonight before you are relieved of your duties by second shift. Am I clear, Winchester?" he snapped sharply.

"Yes sir," I uttered, for it's the only response he'll accept.

Standing up, he gestured toward the door and said, "You're dismissed." Before I could take two steps, he added, "And I'll be docking your pay, Deputy, to cover the parental fine."

Despite having my back towards him, I knew he had a smug grin plastered on his stupid face.

"Of course, sir," I replied dutifully, knowing I was busted.

Fifty-three agonizing minutes later, I placed the report on Sheriff Crowley's desk and was summarily relieved of my duties for the night. I texted Amy I was on my way home. She'd called three times in the last hour, wondering where I was and what was keeping me. She's such a worrywart. Kinda comes with the territory, I guess. Being a patrol officer's girlfriend isn't always easy. It's really a thankless and stressful position to be in ninety percent of the time. God bless her, I got lucky with this one.

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