chapter 14

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Author's POV

Advika and Abhimaan reached Oberoi Mansion. Advika was about to open the door but Abhimaan locked it. When she realized it she looked at him with raised eyebrows. To which he replied,

"You really have to go, we can spend some more time, you know?"

"No we can't. I know you have work. So please go back to your office."

"It can wait"

"You have already wasted your half of the day on me"

He pulled her closer and also opened her seatbelt without her realizing. And speak while looking in her eyes.

"Don't say that, even a single minute with you is more worthy than all the wealth in the world."

Advika didn't reply to him, just looked into his eyes. And then nodded her head.

" Words, baby I need words"
" I am not a baby." Advika replied with blushing cheeks.
" You are, you are my baby"

Advika blushed more at his statement. Abhimaan wasn't able to control himself so he lightly bite her cheek.  Advika rubbed her cheek and said,

" They are my cheeks, not apples. Why does everyone bite it?"

But the word that got the attention of Abhimaan is everyone. He asked with the slightest anger in his voice which Advika didn't realize.

" Who else dares to bite it?"
" Who else, Ansh. He always bites my cheeks.  But now I told him, if he bites my cheeks I will only love Miku. I am also telling you if you also bite my cheeks I also won't love you. I will love only my Miku."

Abhimaan got angry listing this. And tell,

"That Chutku don't let him come near you and who the fuck is this Miku.?"

Advika didn't like his angry voice so told him while pointing her finger at him,

"Don't call Ansh Chutku. I love him. And second, dare you say anything about my Miku. If you say anything bad about him. I won't talk to you."

Saying she opened the door and ran into her house. Abhimaan cursed under his breath but now he can't go back without  pacifying his Advika and also can't go back without knowing who Miku is.

He ran behind him into her house where she ran. She was in the living room when Abhimaan reached there.

"Advika, listen to me, I am sorry I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to know who he is?"

Listening to his voice, everyone came into the living room. Advika turn to him and asked,

" Then why did you cured and raise your voice if you didn't mean to upset me?"
" You said you love him. What do you expect me to do?"

Listening him Suresh interrupt,
" Whom did she love?"
" I don't know some Miku"

Everyone else controls their smile. But someone else who was jealous shouted,
" No buu no lobe miku, buu lobe ann"

Meera facepalm herself and said,
" Ansh buu love you ok but this is not about you."

Ansh looked at his bua and asked ,
" Buu lobe ansh"
" Yes Babu I do"

"Advika, will you tell me who Miku is and what he has that you love him?"
"Advika please don't test my patience"

Meera realized that he was getting angry. And also know that Advika is stabbon. So she decided to interrupt.

"Hukum, no need to get angry. Miku is a soft toy. Whom she loves a lot."

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows. Advika glared at Meera but  nodded at him. He breathed a sigh of relief.

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