chapter 16

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Abhimaan's POV

Everything was going well. I had my lunch with my baby. The baby makes me remember how much she blushed when I called her baby. I can't control myself and bite her cheeks. Which she didn't like. I don't know what will happen when in future I will bite her more. I just can't imagine how she will react.

But then she told me about some Miku. Then I came to know that it is some kind of soft toy. Really she loves soft toy.  Whatever it is. But she is the best thing in life. I can do anything for her. But the problem is her brother. He doesn't like me. I know the main reason is that lady's behavior. But I still always feel there is more.

When I was saying sorry for shouting, her brother came. We got into an argument. But the thing that made me angry was his statement when he said everyone knows what kind of relationship I share with my family.

If someone else would have dared to say the same thing he would have met his death there and then only. But then I can't do anything to him. Because he is my baby's brother. So I left the place.

But she came running after me. She thought I would be angry at her. But how can I be angry at her when she is not at fault. So I made her understand that this is not her fault. I told her to go inside but she didn't go instead she hugged me.

Her hug shows the affection I have never felt for years. So I couldn't control myself and hugged her back.  And Asked her why this always happens to me. Why I am not loveable?

But she said it's not like that. But I know the truth. When I said I don't want anyone's love but her. She became speechless. I told her no need to pressurize herself. 

My baby is so naive. When I said I would be happy if she agreed to meet me tomorrow, she agreed. But this shows how much I have to take care of her. How naive she is that she doesn't know that person is taking advantage of the situation.

I told her that I am not angry anymore. But it's not true. But I have to do something about my anger. So I decided to go back to Mansion. I was in my thoughts when Raghav opened the door for me. 

" Boss we reached"

I came out. And entered the Mansion. I was going towards the room. When that lady came in front of me.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything? You are early today."

But this thing only increased my anger.

" Don't you have any shame left? Or it died. After all this you still have the guts to talk to me seriously, aren't you satisfied that your whole family disowned you? "

" I know "

She started speaking again but that is only increasing my anger. So I sought,

" Mr. Rathod , choti maa Mr. Rathor,

I was  his name so he came running also there are few family members are there,

" Hukum what happened?"
" If you don't want me to do something bad to your wife then tell her to stay away. Last time I didn't do much. This time I won't back off. "
" Hukum I will make sure she won't interfere in your matter."
" You better make sure"

I walked away from there but I could hear him telling his wife not to come near. I went to Gym so I can calm my anger with exercise.

I did it for almost two hours. When I finally felt calm I went into my room. After getting fresh started working. Someone knock on door.
" Come in"
When nobody speaks I look up. Deveng was standing there. He was nevrous I can say from his body language.

" I know I am attractive but still don't think that you are here to drool over me."

Devang caught at my statement and said,
" Vo I am here to call you for Dinner "
" I am not hungry "

I refused to have dinner because I didn't want to see her face. She is the reason I am having a hard time with My baby and his brother is not ready to trust me. I know if I want my baby I must have her brother's trust as he is very important to her.

" Are you going to satisfy your hunger by looking at me?"
" Vo I want to ask ?"
" Then what do you need written permission for speaking"
" Vo Arya wants to go for her school picnic"
" She is in boards"
" But but "
"Say Devang, but what?"
" It's her last picnic of her school life"

I sigh as he was true. I didn't enjoy so many things in my school life but don't want the same thing for her. So I agreed. Devang went from there. I know both of them wanted to ask for a few days but because of the situation and my anger they didn't ask. I continued with my work. But suddenly my phone rang.  I didn't look at the caller ID and pick up the phone.

Phone conversation

" Speak"

When nobody spoke I Again asked to speak. I think someone from the office will dare to call and then not speak. I was getting impatient and was about to cut call but Small feminine voice stop me


I was shocked  how she got my number and why she called me this late.

"Advika baby are you ok why are you calling me now? Is everything ok"
" Yes ok, but .."
" What but baby tell me?"
" You won't get angry if I ask you something?"
" No I won't "

I heard her taking deep breaths and then she  said,

"Have you had your Dinner?" I got confused with her question.
" No but Why are you asking?"
" I know you were angry so there is chance that you will not have it and see I was right"
" It's not like that, I am not Hungry"
" You know you should not skip your meal, so go have your dinner."
" Baby by any chance are you ordering me?"
" No, I am requesting you, " she said in a pleading tone.
" Baby I would have obeyed you if you have ordered me"
" Then consider it as an order."
" You know only you have guts to order me"
" Whatever just go have"
" Okk I will have it"
" No go now have"
" Fine I am going "
" Ok I will call you later "

After the call, I went to the dining room. I saw everyone was about to start dinner. When Choti ma saw me. She asked,

" Hukum come , I will serve you"
That is when I heard,
" When I went to him, he denied it. suddenly What  charge? Did someone do some magic?"
"Did you said Something Devang"
"No nothing "
"Better "

I took my seat. Everyone started having dinner. Before I started having my phone pinned msg.

"Pakka you are having dinner na?"

It was My baby. I automatically smiled without having control over it.

" Yes"

" Then tell me what are you having"

I looked at plate and replied,

" Khichdi "

" Ewww Are you not well? Why are you having khichdi?"

" I don't know. I am having it because choti ma cook it."

" Ok but I don't like it. "

" Ohh. So shall I have my dinner now?"

" Okk I will talk to you tomorrow. See you"

" See you baby Good night"

I replied and looked everyone was looking at me like they had seen a ghost. I cleared my throat. And started having my dinner. After that I went to bed. But I am very happy someone is there who really does care for me. But then I remember how did she got my number.  Who gave her? It must be his brother. But way will he give her? I have to ask her

So, here is the new part.  
What do you think about Advika's Care?

In the next part there will be sid and Abhimaan' meeting.? How many of you are excited for it?

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Angel's Devilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें