chapter 17

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Author's POV.

Abhimaan was sitting inside his cabin. And going through some files. That is when his PA knocked ,

" Come in"
" Sir Mr. Oberoi is here to meet you. But he doesn't have an appointment. Shall I let him in"
" He doesn't need appointment let him in"

After Five minutes Siddharth entered. Abhimaan asked him to take seat.  But there was complete silence. Which is not comfortable.

For Siddharth it is awkward because first he has to say sorry for whatever he said to him. He himself knows that he has no right to judge him without knowing him. Second, he is meeting someone who loves his sister.  Though he knows this day will come. But he was not still ready for it. On top of that he knows that his sister is having a soft corner for him.

For Abhimaan it's awkward because for the first time he is meeting someone whose opinion will matter. Whether he likes it or not, Siddharth's opinion about him is important. First time he is meeting someone in front of whom he needs to make a good impression. It's just because of Advika. Because he knows how much she loves her brother. So if he will say anything bad about him. She will trust him. So, Siddharth can have a big role in his relationship.  And he can't do anything about it.

But there is one thing common in them that is love for Advika. So Abhimaan decided to break the silence.

" What will you have Mr. Oberoi?"
" Nothing, it's fine. I am just here to talk to you"
" You are in my office for the first time so I would really like if you have something with me. We can talk while having it."

Though Siddharth doesn't want something he doesn't want to come as rude. So he agreed to have coffee.  Once the coffee came they started with the talk, which of course they don't want but can't escape. Siddharth cleared his throat and spoke,

"I am sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have judged you without knowing you."

" It's ok I didn't mind"

" But I am not at all sorry for the other day when I have stopped you from meeting Gudiya and also not sorry for having fought with you that day."

" You know if anyone else in your place, anyone else would have dared to raise their hand or voice, that person would have not been here." Abhimaan said chuckling

" I know, what else can I expect from the current Mafiaking ?"

" You know, still don't afraid "

" No, when it comes to my Gudiya I don't care who the other person is," Siddharth said with a fraim voice.

" Hmm"
They again have a shortage of words. But this time Abhimaan broke it.

" About the other day I have already talked with Advika and asked sorry instead of that Lady. Also take good care of that. She will not repeat her actions even in her dream. But if still wants to, she will come and ask for forgiveness."

" It's not about forgiveness, Hukum. It is about how she blamed Gudiya. My Gudiya is the most naive girl out there. She doesn't think about all of those things."

" I know that ."

" You know nobody raised their voice in front of her. And she called Gudiya with the names that too in front of guests''

" Trust me I have taken care of it "

" I won't say I trust you. But also it's  not like that I don't trust you. It's just natural "

" Then give me a chance."

Siddharth chuckled at his demand and asked,

" Am I hearing right? The great Hukum the Mafiaking is asking something that to politely "

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