Packing Life

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Toronto, Canada

Yumi's pov

Passport ☑️

Visa ☑️

Phone ☑️

Airpods ☑️

Laptop ☑️

Camera ☑️

Documents ☑️

Neck pillow ☑️

Snacks ☑️

Lightstick ☑️
I made sure everything is there in my handbag.

Suitcase: packed lightly

Movers had already taken other things and went. It will arrive by the time I reaches Korea.

We reached at the airport. Everyone was there to send me. Mom was on the verge of tears, so was me.

"Eat well okay. And take care of yourself. And don't fall for any jerks." She joked to easy the tension.

"I won't mom, trust me." She kissed my cheeks.

"Don't hesitate to call us if anything's wrong, okay. Go to grandpa's if you don't want to live alone." Dad said with a stern voice while rubbing my shoulder. But I could feel sadness lingering behind it.

"Yahhh who's hair I'm gonna pull now." I chuckled at my brother's comment as I went in for a hug.

"Don't forget the moves I taught you okay. Use it when necessary."

"I will, Oppa."

"Ewww, don't call me that." He kissed my head.

"I'm gonna miss you noona. Hyung is dump. I don't know how I will pass my maths exam now." He got a death glare from Dae.

"Message when you have doubts okay. And study well." I hugged Tae. Tears started to fall down. Tae was practically like my son. Since his birth, I have been looking after him and he was more close with me than anyone else.

Claire pulled me into a hug.

"Don't get married without me."

"Yahhh, we just started dating. I would rather breakup with him than getting married without you."

"You would do that?"

"Not really." She shrugged.

"You're so mean."

"And you love me."

"Unfortunately." Everyone was giggling at our interaction.

"Wish you could come to the concert with me."

"It's fine. Besides I'm not as crazy as you."

"Heyyyy, I'm not crazy fan I'm a dedicated fan."

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes.

It was Raphael turn to pull me to a hug.

"My favourite niece is leaving me, I can't believe." He wiped his fake tears.

"I'm gonna miss my favourite uncle."

"Me too kiddo."

We could hear the announcement of my flight. I said my final goodbyes to everyone and went in.

Before putting my phone in airplane mode, I quickly posted a picture in my private Instagram account which only have my family, friends, colleagues, and probably some others to.

[ON HOLD] The Story of My LifeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora