Part 1: Fate is cruel

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Percy woke with a start. His heart was pounding in his chest and he was drenched in a chilling sweat. He put his face in his hands, visions of the nightmare still flashing through his head. The war with Gaia had ended about a week ago but his nightmares hadn't gotten any better. He steadied his breathing so that it wasn't coming in short rasps. He sat up and saw that his sister Kit was just staring out the window. Kit glanced over at her brother making eye contact. Nothing was said but they both knew what had happened.
Ever since The Pit, Percy and Kit had had similar nightmares.

Kit stood defiantly in front of Tartarus, her sword raised.
"You think you are a match for me demigod?"
Kit didn't respond.
She simply glanced at Percy. Percy knew what she meant, but he didn't like it.

(The Argo 2)

"What happened?" Piper asked
Percy and Kit lay unconscious in the medical bay. Both of their faces grimaced in pains . Annabeth was finally awake and was currently drinking a glass of nectar with the help of Hazel. Frank was applying pressure to Percy's wound and at the same time trying to make sure that he was still breathing.
"I'm not sure" Reyna replied while she helped Jason reset Kits broken leg while also keeping a hand on her wrist making sure her heart was still beating. Piper was applying pressure to the wound along her side while Valerie was  trying to get another block of ambrosia down her throat. Hedge was finding more 
Kit and Percy both had nasty wounds. Kit had a gash that lead from the bottom of her rib cage to her hip and along with that her leg was sticking out at an awkward angle. Percy had a gash that started at his shoulder and went down his arm all the way down to his hand. Both of them were littered with cuts, burns and bruises.
What had happened down there?

***immediately after the war***
"What happened?" Will shouted over the commotion.
They were in one of the private rooms off of the infirmary. After the war both Percy and Kit had collapsed and had seemed to go into seizures. Now Will, the nine and Nico along with a couple Apollo campers where trying to work out what was wrong.
They had both stopped seizing but now they had backed up into opposite corners and were shaking. Percy was trying to curl up into a ball, making himself as small as possible.

Nico slowly walked over and gently placed his hand on Percy's shoulder. Percy flinched and tried to shake him off. Nico tightened his grip.
"Percy! Listen to me! Your okay. Your safe.
Nothing is going to hurt you. You're not in there anymore." He tells him.
He tried to pull his arms over his head. To get as small as possible. To get out of Nico's firm grip.
Nico almost lost his hold, but Jason grabbed his other shoulder. The two of them pulled him back so he was sitting up. He still kept his head down. They could see tears pouring down his face.
He tried to get Jason and Nico off of him, but they still did not let go.
"Percy, open your eyes. Look at me your safe. You're out." Jason told him.
"Percy, nothing can hurt you. No one can get to you." Nico told him.
Finally he opened his eyes. He was still shaking and looked absolutely terrified but he was awake. Will approached and very slowly, with Jason and Nico's help, moved Percy's so that he was standing and lead him to one of the beds.
Now their attention turned to Kit.
She was shaking and her pupils were completely white. She was writhing in pain and her whole body twisted in agony.

With a jolt, Will realized what was happening. Kit was having a flashback. Will dashed over to where his siblings were trying to figure out what was wrong. He gripped Kits shoulders and started speaking calming and reassuring words to her. Soon enough her eyes opened and she collapsed forward into Will, tears streaming down her face. Will enveloped her in a hug and she slowly stopped shaking. He slowly stood up and his siblings helped move Kit into a bed.
Once Will and the other medics had established that they were stable the Apollo kids left leaving Will with Nico and the rest of the nine.
The twins had fallen asleep and were no longer shaking. Will turned to the others . "Ok. Tell me exactly what happened."
*End of Flashback

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