Part 2: Royals?

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Harry had been listening to Ron and Hermione bicker for 30 minutes too long, he was still irritated that they had hardly spoken to him all summer. So when Ginny walked in he almost grovelled at her feet thanking her for making them shut up.
"The Order wants us down in the kitchen"
Harry along with his two best friends looked at her puzzled "Really?" Ron asked
"They've done so much to keep us from eavesdropping and now they want us to come join them?"
Ginny just nodded and turned and walked out.
The Order never wanted us in the meetings so this must be important. We made our way into the kitchen to find the Order already there and two people, one of which Harry recognised the other he didn't. The girl he recognised looked up. Her name was Jamie Scalewik and Harry assumed the women to her left was her mother. Jamie was a Gryffindor but she hung out an awful lot with the Slytherins. The trio stood in the corner as Dumbledore cleared his throat "Right now that we are all here we can begin." He looked towards Ms Scalewik giving her a nod
"The Ministry of Magic has invited the Olympia family from America, they are an ancient wizard family who were cursed to live forever. They later moved to America and since then they have been able to grow their family. Their youngest princes and princesses along with some of their partners have been invited to spend a year at Hogwarts." Said Ms Scalewik. " They over the past hundred or so years have been able to grow their family into a huge community. While the Olympia family is a pure blood family, their children are all halfbloods."

"That interesting. Why wouldn't they keep their pure blood status?" Sirius asked to no one in particular

"How come they have their own community?
Can anyone join?" Ron asked, confusion heavy in his voice.

Hermione pursed her lips as the cogs in her brain began to start turning. "Maybe you need some sort of invitation to join the family..."

"Back to the current topic." Dumbledore interrupted. "Why don't we have a look at who will be attending?"

At this Ms Scalewik handed him a scroll.
Dumbledore tapped his wand and two images appeared of a young boy and girl about Fred and George's age.

They looked to be about 17 with a Meditteranean complexion, windswept black hair was contained within a green laurel, sea-green eyes were looking to the left and a small grin graced their faces though it looked more sarcastic and a classic troublemaker grin. Both of them
were tall with a slim, muscular, athletic build of a swimmer, and to sum it up they were both really good looking. Hermione and Ginny blushed at the boys appearance, and, well, Ron and Harry couldn't take their eyes off the girl.

"This is Prince Perseus Jackson and Princesses Katherine Jackson, they currently uphold the titles of Syntagmatarchis, Members of the Hoplite Phalanx, Head Pegasus trainers, and Navarchs along with being honorary members of the twelfth legion fulm...

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"This is Prince Perseus Jackson and Princesses Katherine Jackson, they currently uphold the titles of Syntagmatarchis, Members of the Hoplite Phalanx, Head Pegasus trainers, and Navarchs along with being honorary members of the twelfth legion fulminata. Katherine is a qualified healer and field medic. It also says that they are survivors of both the Titan and Giant Wars."

Harry couldn't help but stare. They were good-looking and had very athletic build. Though their eyes... they looked like they had stared into the pits of hell.

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