Part 8: Hogwarts

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione made their way into the Gryffindor common room. When they got there they realised that there was an extra door leading out. Ron went over and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. They tried all sorts of charms but eventually gave up and settled into a couple of seats by the fire.
Then the royals walked in and went to the locked door. They opened it without any resistance and closed it behind them.
"What was that?" Ron started
"Who knows." Hermione snapped before turning back to her book.

The demigods made their way through the corridor that lead out of the common room. They came to a cozy living space and sitting there were the other demigods. It was a nice cozy room. Their was a reading nook that was near the fire. Bean bags and comfy armchairs were also dotted around. There were doors that led off to the rooms and a staircase that lead up to a study area and some more rooms, overall it seemed like a cozy place.

 There were doors that led off to the rooms and a staircase that lead up to a study area and some more rooms, overall it seemed like a cozy place

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They decided to go and explore and have a look at their rooms

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They decided to go and explore and have a look at their rooms.
After they had all gone and explored they all came and sat in the common area.
"Right, so it will work like this." Annabeth said opening the letter from Hecate "We will all be in the same year group but we will have to go class with our respective houses." Everyone nodded.
"Great. I think we also need to go over what to do if one of us has a flashback or panic attack."
At this everyone turned to Will.
"I think if it's possible try and get whoever's in a flashback out before it develops but if it seems serious come straight here and tap these rings." At this Will handed each of them a ring with a button on it. "It sends an SOS signal." Will explained.

"Great, I think we should all get to bed as we have school tomorrow."
Everyone groaned but headed for their rooms.

Jason lay in bed next to Piper.
"You ok Jase?"
"Yeah why?"
"I don't know. It's just crazy to think we only just got out of a war and now here we are at a school half way round the world."
"I guess you're right. It is a bit weird. But let's admit it, we all needed to get away."
"Yeah. You know I love you right."
"I love you too."

And with that they fell into the world of dreams.

The next morning Jason  woke up fairly early and decided to get up. He got dressed and made his way into the common room. He wasn't surprised to see Kit, Percy and Annabeth all already dressed and lounging on the couches.
"Hey Jason." The twins said in unison. Dam that was slightly creepy.
"Hey guys. How long have you been up?"
Annabeth shrugged "A couple hours. We've been up since around 4am."
They all nodded. After about an hour they decided to head back to their respective common areas and get ready to go to breakfast.
The twins headed to the door leading to the Gryffindor common room and said bye to Jason and Annabeth.

When they got to the common area it was empty so they decided to just sit by the fire.
After awhile the other demigods joined them and they decided to head down to breakfast.

The hall was basically deserted as breakfast had only just started so they had the table to themselves. The other demigods can down and they all decided to sit together.
By the time the hall was full everyone had eaten and the stern witch from the night before came and handed them their schedules.
The first period the Gryffindor students had divination so they decided to head up to the Astronomy tower.

They waited until all their other class member's arrived and then a they climbed a ladder leading up the tower.
They found them in a darkly lit room with a strong scent of perfume. They sat at a low table and then waited for the class to start.
"Good morning children. Welcome back to  Divination." A quirky voice said as a bug eyed woman emerged from the shadows.
The woman looked at the Royals with curiosity. She came over to where they were sitting. She looked the twins straight in the face and told them that they'd drown. All of the demigods burst into fits of laughter. This woman obviously was a fraud. The continued laughing and the rest of the class stared at them like they were crazy.
"I don't see what's funny? Drowning is the cause of more deaths to humans than sharks." Hermione said from behind them. This made them laugh even harder.
The bug eyed teacher shrugged off their laughs and continued to blab on about death and destruction. After a pain staking half hour the class finally ended and they went on with their day.
They made their way down to the dungeons for potions with the Slytherins. Percy was so happy to see Annabeth that he almost crashed into her, which resulted in Percy getting teased the entire lesson.
They were all fairly good at potions which was a surprise to everyone. The twins seemed to know exactly how it was supposed to be done even though half of it went against what the book was telling them.
They then went to defence against the dark arts which was a waist of time. The toad face lady blabbered on and on about nonsense that none of them bought. Harry got detention which didn't seem fair considering half the demigods along with the wizards had spoken out of turn and said some pretty horrific things. But Harry was the only one who ended up in detention that day.

By the end of the day they were all itching to get out and do something actually worth their while.
So that evening after dinner all the demigods went and sparred in the forest and then watched the sun set over the lake.

They all agreed that this was going to be a really really long school year.

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