Part 20: Valeries special someone

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Piper and Valerie walked down to the great hall for breakfast, someone had been difficult to pull out of bed, which meant that they were now running late for breakfast. As they entered the great hall they spotted the demigods sitting at the Hufflepuff table. A few of the Hufflepuffs glance in their direction but no one said anything as Piper and Valerie joined the others. Piper sat next to Jason and Valerie sat in between Thalia and Reyna, the two quickly helped themselves to the spread in front of them. After about ten minutes the owl post came in, hundred of feathery creature flying all over the place delivering post to various people. A large tawny owl dropped a package by Percy which left him rather puzzled but he opened it quickly and his puzzled expression turned into a wide grin. Sally had sent them each a care package filled with blue cookies. Percy and Kits both contained some extra blue candy much to their delight. 

"What are you smiling about Valerie?" Piper asked seeing the grin on her friends face as she read a letter. 

"Nothing," She said quickly hiding the envelope in her pocket. 

"Yeah right, who's it from?" Piper questioned. Valerie didnt say anything, instead she resume eating her breakfast which consisted of french toast and bacon. 

There were a few eyebrows raised in her direction. Now everyone wanted to know. Reyna was the only one who seemed to know something and had an amused grin on her face. 

"I think, someone has a secret admirer," Thalia said elbowing Valerie in thee side playfully. 

"Maybe I do, maybe I dont, either way, it's none of your bussiness," Valerie retorted. 

"None of my business, I'm your older sister, of course, it's my business," 

"And I'm your twin brother," Jason chirped in, "You aren't supposed to keep secrets from us, we're your family,"

Valerie made a gesture of zipping her mouth shut and throwing away the key. 

"Not telling," She said and returned to her breakfast. 

After that they had to quickly finish breakfast and head their seperate ways. The rest of the day dragged on as normal. They had potions, defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, charms, and care of magical creatures to end the day off. 

After dinner that night the demigods all sat in their common room chatting about various things. Eventually, they decided to watch a movie on the monster-proof TV Leo had made. They had several different arguments on why they should watch finding Nemo but in the end, they watched The Avengers. Rocky sat cuddled up at Reynas feet who stroked his ear affectionately. 

A third of the way through the movie there was a knock on the door and Clarrise got up to answer it. 

"Hey Jamie, come on in," She said and let Jamie in. 

There was a chorus of heys and hellos. 

"Oh Valerie, there was an owl that sent this," She said sitting next to Valerie and handing her a box. Inside was a collection of chocolates, a necklace and a note, which Valerie didn't show to anyone. Piper grinned wickedly, she had figured it out, but didn't say anything. Valerie smiled then left to her room. 

"Who do you think it is?" Jason wondered aloud. 

Piper and Reyna shared a knowing look. 

"I think that it's up to her when she decides to tell us," Piper said with a smile. They unpaused the movie and spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company. 

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