Part 12: Training Harry

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The following Wednesday was the first day that Harry would be training with the Royals, and he was not looking forward to it. Ever since that day at the lake when something had happened to Princesses Katherine, which Harry knew was their fault, he didn't know whether the Royals would even want to help at all. Harry hadn't exactly been friendly in fact he'd been the complete opposite. Between Umbridge and the daily prophet Harry had big problems but now he realised that making enemies out of the Royals was a really bad idea. Without their help, Harry knew that they stood no choice in the fight against Voldemort. Now as he walked down the stairs to the common room Harry couldn't shake off the feeling that something was going to go wrong. Sure enough when he reached the common room Thalia was waiting for him.
"Harry." She greeted "We will see you in the room of requirement after dinner."
With that she walked of and Hermione came down the stairs followed by Ron.
"What the bloody hell was that about?" Ron asked.
"Just telling me where to meet them for training." Harry mumbled "come on."

After a full day of boring lessons and being called a liar Harry trudged his was to the room of requirement. Marquess Leo was waiting outside for him. "You're late." Was all he said.
"Sorry I.."
Leo turned away from him ignoring him completely. The door appeared and Leo opened it and lead Harry inside. Harry was amazed to say the least. There was a table to the one side and an open floor space with padding in the middle. All sorts of weapons lined the opposite wall and lanterns and torches lit the room. Prince Perseus and Princess Katherine stood in the middle of the room with Marchioness Annabeth and Princesses Thalia. They weren't in their regular robes. Instead they all wore exercise clothes. Harry could see just how strong they were. They were all ripped. As soon as Harry entered they stopped their conversation and faced him. Leo went and stood next to Thalia. "Right welcome Harry. This is where you'll be having lessons with us. We will start today off with seeing what you already know." Annabeth explained.
Leo brought out a dummy. "Do your worst." He instructed.
Harry noticed the dummy held a wand and had a target on its chest.
"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted disarming the dummy. "Petrificus Totalus!" Harry shouted once again. The dummy froze up and toppled over.
"Very good Harry." Leo said. "There is certainly room for improvement but that is most certainly a start."
"Uh thanks?" Harry said not quite sure what to think about that kind of comment.
The other Royals stepped back onto the mat and Leo disposed of the dummy.
"Harry you exhibit a great use of spells but what can you do without your wand." Annabeth asked but it didn't sound like a question, more like a challenge. The other Royals stepped off the mat leaving Annabeth and Harry.
"Fight me."
"You heard me." She said
Harry didn't know what to do. He couldn't hit girls but here was a girl ordering him to do so. So he did what came naturally. He swung at Annabeth. She dodged effortlessly and circled Harry. He lunged again and Annabeth dodged and hit him behind his knees knocking him to the ground.
Harry rolled over and accepted Annabeths hand that was extended to help him up.
"Well I can say there is a lot of work to be done." She said as she helped Harry to his feet. Harry was embarrassed to say the least, he'd lost a fight to a girl and she'd hardly tried at all.
The others stepped back onto the mat.
"Right Harry, I think that will be it for today. I'd like you continue working on you're hand to hand combat. And we will see you again same time next week." Annabeth finished.
Harry nodded his head and left the room.

"There is a lot of work to be done that's for sure." Thalia muttered.
"Definitely." The others all agreed.
The twins left with Leo leaving Thalia and Annabeth.
"So it's been awhile." Thalia said as she and Annabeth circled each other.
"So it has." Annabeth agreed
The girls engaged in combat.
They must have fought for a good half an hour until Piper ran in.
"Come quick."
"What's wrong." Annabeth asked released Thalia from the choke hold she had her in.
"It's the twins."
With that they ran.

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