Part 10: Just a normal day

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Thalia and Kit were hanging by the lake during a free period. Thalia was watching Kit make shapes out of the water. They had both decided to take advantage of the free period and get out. Reyna and Valerie had come down and joined them bringing with a stash of blue candy that Sally had sent, and they were just relaxing and enjoying each other's company.
Unfortunately the peaceful atmosphere didn't last long.
"Well if it isn't the traitors."
It was the golden trio. Ever since the meeting the three had looked upon the the demigods with distaste.
"You know, it isn't fair to let us fight in a war alone." The potter boy spoke.
"You're not fighting alone and we don't really care about what you think is fair." Thalia said through gritted teeth.
"And why not?!" Harry said. "You have heard of the stuff that has happened here. So why won't you help?!"
"Because you're a @&*#% and we couldn't give a @$^#* about you." Kit said without glancing up her eyes still fixed on the lake which now had mini whirlpools in it.
The three were shocked. Clearly they weren't used to being spoken too like that. Good. They probably needed it.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you."
The demigods were getting sick of their attitude.
"Well for starters..." Thalia said getting on her feet ready to fight with Valerie right behind her.
"We've been through far more than you think. We've fought wars already. We know what you've been through potter and I can tell you now that is mild compared to half the stuff some of us have been through. Your tiny brain couldn't imagine half of it. And let me put this straight..."
"Oh not now" a scared voice said.
The pair turned turned. Reyna was crouched next to Kit shaking her shoulder.
"Hey Kit!" She shouted.
"No!" Kit said louder this time. Her hands covered her ears and she had curled up in a ball.
Thalia crouched in front of her. Her eyes had gone white and she seemed to be staring straight through Thalias head. She was starting to hyperventilate and her hand was shaking so badly. Flashback. That git weasel or whatever his name was had triggered it.
"Hey Kit! Come on!" Reyna said clapping her hands in her face.
The 3 wizards behind them stood rooted to the spot.
"Kit? Come on."
Nothing was working. Reyna shared a desperate look with Thalia and Valerie. They both nodded . Reyna scooped Kit up and they took off towards the castle leaving the three wizards by the lake wondering what had happened. Whatever it was it was clearly bad.

They ran through the corridors until they came to one of the secret entrances to their common area. They ran through it until they reached the common area. Reyna lay Kit on the ground, her eyes were still white. Thalia smashed the button in the ring and then turned back to Kit.
Kits whole body twisted in pain. Then she let out a blood curdling scream.
"No!" Kit shouted defiantly, "You won't hurt them!"
She started thrashing. "Stop this!" She screamed.
The three were helpless. They sat next her. Trying to reassure her.
Not even 2 minutes later Will ran in followed by Percy and Connor.
"What happened." Will demanded.
"Stupid Weasley said something that triggered a flashback."
Kit squirmed and thrashed violently.
"I won't let you hurt them!"
Percy, Connor, Reyna, Thalia and Valerie all held her down and Will placed a breathing mask on her face and hooked her up to a monitor. On the one side you could see her heartbeat that was going way to fast even for a demigod. On the other you could see a tall dark figure.

*Inside Kits head*

Kit stared defiantly into the face of Tartarus.
"You are insignificant. You have done well demigods but I feel your time is up."
"You're right. We may be insignificant. But you got one thing wrong. Our times not up yet."
Kit charged Tartarus dodging his strikes with inhumane speed. She blocked and parried keeping up with the pit itself, but you could see that she wouldn't be able to hold on for long. The curses had taken a toll and it showed. She managed to get a lucky slash on his knee but he came back more enraged than ever and slashed at Kit. This time, she wasn't fast enough and his blade managed to nick her. It definitely could have been worse but it was a large blow that threw Kit off. She couldn't get away in time, the pits fist smashed through her leg. Lucky enough Percy ran in and supported Kit. They started away but not before Tartarus could take one more swipe at them. This time it was Percy who took the blow but it only just managed to slice his skin along his arm.
That's when they heard Damasen roar a battle cry and Tartarus's attention moved off of them.
"Go! I will hold the button!" Bob cried and the three demigods hobbled into the elevator.
They were so close. Kits whole body was pressed against the door. That music was really annoying. Her leg was poking out at a really odd angle and blood was pumping out where her bone was poking through her skin. She wanted to throw up just looking at it. Kit was trying to explain to Annabeth how to wrap the makeshift tourniquet round her leg so that she didn't bleed out. Percy didn't look great either but Annabeth would keep talking to them making them talk back. Just making sure they were both still with her. After an excruciating ride up, the elevator ground to a halt. Then the doors slid open and Kit lost consciousness completely, but the pain never left.


"Percy when is this?" Will asked.
"In the pit, oh this isn't good." Percy winced and shuddered for a second. This definitely wasn't good. According to the twins when they reached the doors of death Kit had fended of Tartarus until the giant had shown up and they had a chance to escape. Kit along with Percy both fought him both leaving with bad injuries. Now you could see the faint trace of blood where Tartarus had sliced into Kit. Will shoved ambrosia down her throat and the bleeding stopped, but the screams didn't.
"How do we wake her up!?" Connor asked.
It was a dumb question really. They all knew that there was nothing they could really do.
Will shook her so violently and Thalia slapped her across the face.
They moved her so she was leaning into Connors chest. Her breathing was so fast and you could almost hear her heart thrashing in her chest. Will lifted her shirt and you could see the scar. It was bright red with a nasty tinge of yellow.
"This isn't good." Will said grabbing the first aid bag and applying pressure to the wound at the same time. "We need to wake her up."
Kit thrashed violently and her heart rate spiked even higher. Her face was beaded with sweat and she gripped onto Connor for dear life.
Percy was almost as pale as Kit but he grabbed her hand nevertheless.
"Hey Kit! We aren't in there anymore! We got out! We are safe! You! Me! Annabeth! We're all safe!" Percy shouted.
Kits eyes flew open and she gasped for breath. "Oh thank the gods." Reyna muttered.
Will slowly stopped applying pressure to the wound which had stopped bleeding.
Kits breathing slowly steadied and the tears slowly dried around her face. Connor and Percy stayed by her while Will went to put the first aid bag back on the shelf. Reyna, Valerie and Thalia followed. Once they were out of ear shot Will turned to them.
"What happened?"
"Well we were just chilling by the lake when the golden trio came over and started the whole thing about us not helping in the war. Then Kit put them in their place but of course the took it badly and weasel yelled'what the bloody hell is wrong with you'."
"Ok. Thank goodness you guys reacted quickly, otherwise." Will shuddered. "Well let's be grateful she's ok."
They walked back to the others. Kits eyes rolled into her head and she slumped against Connor.
Percy and Connor picked her up and put her on the couch. Will went over and checked the heart monitor that was still attached.
"Ok, she should be fine."
Relief spread through everyone and they sat round the lounge waiting.

About an hour later the others all came to the common room having finished lunch early.
Kit was still passed out and attached to a heart monitor which this immediately drew the attention of the everyone.
"What happened?" Annabeth asked coming and sitting next to Percy.
They all looked at each other and then at Kit whose head was in Connor lap while he played with her hair.
"How bad?"Piper asked.
"Well it took as about half and hour to wake her up." Will said.  " It wasn't the worst one but it's certainly the worst one in a while."
They sat in silence for awhile until Clarrise looked at the clock and realised they were late for class. Everyone left except Will and Percy. And Nico who had a free period. Connor also managed to stay behind, he wasn't going to leave even if the world collapsed outside the window.

Will went to his room to go fill in some paperwork and Nico went to check on him to make sure he didn't get to indulged into his work.
So that left Connor and Percy with Kit. Connor ran his fingers through Kits hair.
"So when are you planning on popping the question?" Percy asked after awhile.
Kit and Connor had dated just as long as Percy and Annabeth had and Percy knew that Connor had been thinking of proposing.
"I don't know. With everything that's happened, I'm hoping soon."
Percy nodded knowingly. Connor had gone with Percy to Sally and Paul and he had formally asked for Kits hand in marriage. He then also went and asked Poseidon and even got Aphrodite's blessing but he still hadn't popped the question. And then they got sent on this quest and any plan Connor had had was thrown out the window.
Connor looked down lovingly at his girlfriend who was still passed out.
"I'll protect her you know. I wish I had been there in Rome and Greece and... you know... she told me what happened down there..But I promise I'll do everything in my power to protect her."
"I know you will Connor."

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