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It had been two months since the Cullens had heard anything from Edward.

Odette watched carefully from the living room window as the flurries of snow landed on the dead grass of their backyard. If she thought hard enough, she could almost picture her younger years, when she was still just a human child.

Closing her golden eyes, memories of her childhood came flooding back to her.

"Now stir the broth slowly, counter-clockwise just like I showed you. Yes, very nice." Her Mother hummed, grabbing a handful of chopped carrots. "Now, I'm going to add the carrots into the chicken broth, you just keep stirring, alright sweetheart?"

"Alright Mother!" 5 year old Odette chimed, a happy grin on her face. Her mother smiled fondly at her daughter before carefully dropping the carrots into the pot, making the broth splash up.

"Good job my love, your Father should be very pleased to have some warm soup on the table."

Almost on cue, the door to their tiny London flat opened, the chilly winter air coming. A tall man stepped inside quickly, closing the door quickly behind him. Taking of his scarf and coat, Carlisle sat his briefcase down, just in time for Odette to come running up to him.

"There's my little darling!" He cheered, picking his small daughter up. Squealing in delight, the little girl giggled as her Father tossed her into the air, making sure to catch her.

"Put me down!" She giggled.

"Now why would I do that?" He asked playfully, holding the small child against his side.

"Your hands are cold!"

"My hands are cold?" He asked, almost like the statement offended him. "Well maybe I need to warm them up, don't you think?" He then tickled her side, making the young girl laugh frantically, wiggling in her Father's hold.

"Ok you two, that's enough." The wife lightly scolded, setting the last bowl onto the table. "Now you two eat, before your Father catches a cold."

Chuckling lightly, Carlisle set his daughter down gently before going over to his wife, kissing her cheek lovingly before setting down himself, his two girls joining him.

"Yoohoo, earth to Odette!" A voice snapped her back into reality, realizing that a hand was waving in her face. Sighing, she looked up at Emmett incredulously as she carefully shoved his hand away.


"Nothing, you just seemed to be staring at the window pretty hard." The brawnier of the two said absentmindedly, falling back into the spot next to her. "Did the snow offend your hippy-self or something?"

"Just because I went to Woodstock doesn't make me a hippy."

"Whatever you say, you hippy." Scoffing, Odette playfully kicked his leg before looking back outside the window. "Hey Em, can I be real for a second?"

The boy shrugged.

"When you were little, did you ever toy of the thought that you would be were you are right now?" The girl asked, not taking her eyes off the snowy yard.

"Well of course not, T." He laughed out, resting his hand on his chin. "I mean, I thought I would die an old, rich man with at least three wives."

The girl side-eyed him. "Womanizer much?"

Emmett chuckled bashfully. "Pretty much, yeah. You know how I was back then."

"Yeah, and then Rosalie hit you upside the head. I think that was enough for you to change your ideals." The girl laughed, smiling at the memory. "I wonder if the indent of your back is still on the wall at the old place..."

"Oh ha ha." He laughed dryly, playfully punching her shoulder. "But seriously though, I don't think any of us thought this is how our life would be. But I think we're making the most of it..." he paused. "Well, most of us are anyways."

"Yeah." The girl sighed, falling silent. The duo didn't say much after that, just watching each snowflake dance in the cold bitter wind.


Flipping through channels, Odette could only sigh out of pure boredom as there was nothing to watch.

Overnight, the light snow flurry had turned into heavy rainfall, which even the Cullens refused to go out in. Even they had their standards when it came to weather.

Next to her, Alice sat reading a book. Looking over, she could tell by the colorful cover that it was fictional. "Whatcha reading?" The blonde asked, her eyes trailing back to the television.

"'Water for Elaphants' by Sara Gruen." She replied absentmindedly. "It's actually quite interesting."

"Well I think you're a nerd!" Emmett yelled from upstairs, the girls rolling their eyes at him. Odette smiled at her brother's teasing words, shaking her head at him as she continued to flip through channels.

"Well if I'm a nerd then you're... a..." Alice trailed off, her eyes going blank as she dropped the book she was reading.

"Alice?" Odette asked, the smile she once had slowly fading away as she stared at her sister's expression. She knew the face well though, having dealt with Alice's spontaneous visions ever since she joined their Coven. "Alice, what do you see?"

Alice didn't reply, her golden eyes hazy as the vision entrapped her mind. When she snapped out of it, she blinked rapidly as she shook her head.

"Alice, is everything alright?" Odette asked another question, putting a hand on her sister's arm.

"No!" She gasped, standing up before speeding off to her room. Odette immediately followed her, watching as she packed her brown satchel.

"What's wrong?" Not getting a response, the older vampire huffed, urging her once more to tell her the dilemma that would soon ensue. "Alice!"

"It's Bella." Was all she said, making Odette worry even more.

"What about her?" Alice paused her actions, her face turning grim. Odette's heart sunk, knowing that something bad had happened, but needing confirmation.

"I think she killed herself."

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