special chapter or nothing at all

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No one know how world started, nor whether it started.Maybe it doesn't have beginning ? Or some capital G boundless god created it?Whether he is real not is his problem maybe it was made by big explosion already existed world.. Or commonly known as God theory.. Or big bang theory.. But who design the world before the current world come to existence.. Without a precise design there would no universe according to the theory.. But what if the god isn't bounded by it nor does he he beginning? So it simple thing to answer question he or she existed or not.. Yes he existed a complete being with utmost perfection an omnipotent being who see every dimensional structure like a art made by greatest of all artist. Without any problem to precise calculate to his..Even sub atomic particle he made is have complex which no one can develop even if take millions of years. Simply put it the sub atomic particle exist but it's needed a cause inorder to firt it came into being so the ultimate causuality is god means the God isn't bounded the causality ,logic , fate, laws , story , dimension , perceptive , concept , as no matter how you said to kill the omnipotent omniscient being you can't even see him nor can't even sense him

But what if there was entities which see everyones universe as tiny bit of atom to complete their world system?well if that the case the world is never ending so there would no preserver or creator will there.... If theres special hierarchy designed to each concept authority or order there will conflict with each other yes.. If that the case..

But what if I tell you there single planet that emit energy of that close to type 12 scale civilisation which grant everything you need which is promised land or afterlife... Yes that world is know as second strongest world or most genie grander without limit if you work hard.. which is cardinal world.. Which is house the entities that even the the normal human have energy of God while compare to other world which have conceptual God.. With small letter g...

There is laws and concepts everyone must follow..

One of them is you have certain fate, life , laws of physics,casuality, dimensionality, nature etc.

But what if theres several entities completely transcend each of such a concept...and even transcend the energy level of world in cardinal world fully not on just planetary level...

One of such entities are primodial , true dragons..some of the giants...

But what if I say theres entity completely transcend said beings in both dimensionality even if you mathematical dimensioning or hierarchy system you can't surpass him..He is real god who even created Turn null and its dimension..

Interestingly it very complex energy which even small amount energy can creat said cardinal world 10,000 over times ofcource including the true dragon and other powerfull which can destroy more than than 100 world which other than cardinal world with their aura alone with space time along with....

(A/n - I get this idea while reading a weird fanfiction of Rimuru..)

Now get straight to point normally random mob or even creator gods which can build complex scaled universe can't even bear the aftermath of this said energy.. Even their concept cease to exist even by touching this complex scaled energy.. But what if I tell you theres a being born there weakest of all race named slime can wield turn null

The turn null further explanation is that thing lack nothing as it's contain and can define every thing between every imaginable and unimaginable concept , logic , laws ,causality, principles , dimensioning , energy of any type regardless of nature but it's lack any nature and anything it's contain in as it's complete void an true nothingness as it's can creat and erase a any concept regardless of nature but it's ultimately lack any nature it's can creat and dest

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